The Destiny

It all depended on this! If I could forge this weapon, then my Daos would reach a breakpoint! The weapon I wanted to forge was a Tier-3 cursed flame sword.

I spent weeks slowly engraving this weapon with various Dao runes. I wanted to forge my entire understanding of the Fire Dao within this weapon!

The hotness, the explosiveness, the ferocity, the calmness, the hunger, everything I understood about fire was engraved on this blade. This blade would be a true masterpiece of craftsmanship. My very first Tier-3 weapon!

After weeks I was exhausted, but I finally held the cursed flame blade within my hands! I had grown gaunt, barely eating or sleeping as I immersed myself fully into forging this blade. I poured my heart and soul into making this weapon.

It was a short, wide, slightly curved blade made of ceramic. The blade is held by a grip wrapped in gilded, grey salmon leather.

Dual-edged and razor-sharp, this weapon was a true champion's choice. It could crush enemies with cleaving hacks and piercing stabs.

This weapon was a reaper of life. A sign of the coming storm. A herald to the destiny the world it descended into would soon know. This blade was 'Destiny'!

The blade had a barbed, straight cross-guard, adding weight to the blade for a better weight balance, and offering hand protection during battle. The cross-guard has an elegant serpent head on each side, this weapon is meant to be taken care of with dedication.

I decorate its massive pommel with precious gems, fine details which prove how carefully I crafted this weapon.

I filled the blade itself with Dao Runes. Many decorations and engraved patterns give the blade life. A sheathed sword with a decorative hidden blade.

A sword was meant to be dirty and bloody, but my sword was fully decorated. This weapon was a genuine work of art! A beautiful weapon to commit my performance of death.

This weapon would be misunderstood. Beauty can't be evil. Art should terrify! What sweet sadness is killing?

This was a regal weapon, fit for royalty. An exceptional weapon for an unsuspecting victim. The fire serpent soul that had accompanied me for so long was even woven into the blade.

I felt a powerful connection to this blade. This blade held all my understanding of the Fire Dao. My Fire Dao had broken through during its forging, I now understood the Fire Dao at the Baron level!

In devil script I engraved 'Who so ever holds this blade… If he be worthy… Shall possess the Flames of Destiny' on the blade.

This was an early Tier-3 Curse Binding Weapon. It would cause much chaos if unleashed within a Tier-2 World, such as the Tutan World. Whoever was beguiled by its power would lose their free will and be cursed to serve me forever.

I was very proud of this cursed binding weapon. It cost me so much effort to make, but it would be cheaper to send this down to a pocket world than my troops.

For my next pocket world invasion I decided I would just sprinkle the world with cursed weapons and let my new 'servants' take over the world for me. My plan was insidious, but this was the only way I could think of to start an invasion soon.

[Libra] was too weak at the moment. I could not risk sending my greenhorn soldiers to be slaughtered. I worked too hard setting up this foundation. They must grow stronger to serve me.

Until then I will depend on my curse binding weapons to do my bidding. I stored away my newest armament with the rest of my collection.

"Haha, soon these weapons will create a new age in an unsuspecting world," I said.

I sat down and contemplated my new understanding of Fire Dao. My Curse and Soul Dao had both broken through to the peak-Knight level forging this curse binding weapon.

Given time to acclimate, I would easily break through to the Baron realm. I had fulfilled the basic prerequisite to breakthrough. Which was understanding one Dao at the Baron level.

Now that I had the Dao understanding, I just needed to naturalize to the fel. Soon this young lord shall be a Baron!

The Baron realm was also known as the Heart Carving realm to devils. Once one's Devil Heart was filled to the brim with Devil qi, then a devil would begin carving their Devil Heart with Abyssal Dao runes.

These Abyssal Dao runes would allow devils to connect to mortal worlds and begin beguiling souls. The runes carved would create a devil's True Name. A devil's True Name was always evolving as they continued to practice devilry.

However, because of the time difference in mortal worlds if a mortal grasped a devil's True Name, they could get them to do their bidding for many mortal centuries until the devil evolved their True Name.

Devil's guarded their True Name as close as they would their life. It was a double-edged sword. A True Name would allow them entry into multiple mortal worlds, but their True Name could be used against them.

Devil Barons had a life span of over 1200 Abyssal years. It was a watershed realm, so most devils never moved passed it.

The Viscount realm was a true transformation of life level. The difference between a Viscount and a Baron was like the difference between a mortal and an Esquire. They were on two different levels.

I longed for more power now that I had a taste of it. Only time would feed my new thirst.

I still had about a year or two before I could step into the Baron realm officially. I only entered the Knight realm a year ago, in Abyss years, so my progress was extraordinary.

Many Knights never understood a Baron level Dao, so they were forever stuck at the Knight level. I had already broken into the peak-Knight level with multiple Daos. I just needed time to improve and make that breakthrough.

My Fire Dao was already at the Baron level!

I looked forward to the day I broke into the Baron realm. I could finally use my Soul Eyes then. My vision had now returned to what it was before the awakening ceremony. It could only improve from here!

Codex what is my status?


Host: James Hudson

Race: Devil

Job: Chef

Age: 18

Cultivation: Knight (4/4)

Cultivation Art: Soul Refining Art (Tier-3)

Battle Skills: Hollow Aura

Minor Daos: Soul (28%), Devil(27%), Fire(30%), Curse (27%), Slaughter (22%), Metal (22%), Electric (22%)

Inborn Ability: Soul Eyes (Suppressed)

Auxiliary Arts: Blacksmithing (Tier-3), Soul Reading (Tier-3), Contracts (Tier-3)]