The Council

Right now I had my sights on breaking fully into the Baron realm. I would have to seek the counsel of my Devil Ancestor for understanding of the Baron realm.

I headed to the Devil Ancestors residence and slipped through the back door.

"James, your progress is remarkable. Your cousin Mikael has already broken through the Baron realm. You are not far behind him! What brings you to see me today?" said Kogthoz.

"That's exactly it Devil Ancestor. I want to break into the Baron realm. I can't fall too far behind that righteous prick Mikael," I said.

"James you must learn to work with your cousin. You are two of the brightest stars in your generation. He cares about you, stop trying to compete with him," said Kogthoz.

"I understand Devil Ancestor," I said.

My thoughts were elsewhere, however. How could I ever give up my goal of besting Mikael? It was something that fueled my progress. Having a righteous prick always one step ahead of me. A young lord could not live in another clan members shadow!

"The Baron realm is a watershed realm. Breaking into it is not too difficult. However, making it from the Baron to Viscount takes much time and effort. Even talented devils spend many years in this realm." said Kogthoz.

"We devil also know the Baron realm as the Heart Carving realm. To break into the Heart Carving realm, you must condense all your devil qi into devil essence. Then using that devil essence you must carve a Dao onto your devil heart. The Dao you carve becomes a part of your mind, body, and soul."

"After carving this Dao into your heart you will form your own unique Devil True Name. Your True Name is a condensation of your Dao, it will slowly change as you advance your devilry. Every devil's true name is carved within their hearts and kept hidden."

"Devils can be bound into semi-permanent contracts with their true name, so be wary and never reveal it to anyone. With your true name you will deepen your connection with the Abyss, allowing you access to mortal realms."

"After you break into the Baron realm, seek Mikael. He is in the beginning stages of the Baron realm, but he is making excellent progress. He can assist you with understanding how to progress."

"The clan meeting to vote for next generation's patriarch will soon commence. Your father has broken into the Viscount realm and is no longer fit to hold the post."

"I shall not let you down as patriarch Devil Ancestor!" I said.

This is unexpected. The devil ancestor now wants me to be the patriarch! I am dashingly handsome and well respected around the clan. I am the perfect choice to hold this position. I can not let down the Devil Ancestors good intentions.

"Young James, my vote is going towards Mikael. He is a perfect model of what the patriarch's seat represents. He is talented, manages well, and knows keeps the clan close to his heart," said Kogthoz shaking his head.

"Soon you will have to respectfully refer to Mikael as patriarch."

"That's unfair, Devil Ancestor. This young lord knows how to command-and-control subordinates. Mikael knows nothing about delineating duties! I have a large organization full of faithful lackeys!" I said.

"James the most important thing to a clan patriarch is putting the clan first. Your father was very devoted to the clan, always putting it first. Giving us much face around the Xertzul Abyss," said Kogthoz.

"Mikael is devoted to the clan. How would you make time to manage your organization and the Hudson clan?"

"This is not up for discussion. Mikael will be your generation's patriarch!"

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" I said.

If Mikael was patriarch, I would be under his watchful eye, in the clan, until I reach the Viscount realm. This is horrible, I must swiftly improve my devilry. I can not stand for this.

I stormed away. I had nothing more to discuss with that scheming old devil! Making Mikael patriarch over this young lord. This young lord shall prove his worth!


All 7 of the Hudson clan Viscounts were in attendance for the elder council.

"Hudson clan elder council is now in session. Today we vote on our next generation's patriarch," said First Viscount Vollmus.

"My son Samuel has made me proud breaking into the Viscount realm. He is a fine addition to the elder council."

"The Devil Ancestor has nominated First Baron Mikael to be the next generation's patriarch. What are your thoughts? My vote stands behind Mikael."

"Thank you, father. I agree with this posting," said First Viscount Samuel.

"I agree, from the reports he did a superb job on cleaning up that Knight camp we assigned him to," said Second Viscount Gerath.

"I disagree, I believe Fifth Baron Ongrad would make a better patriarch. He has been in the baron realm longer and his mind set is stable." said Third Viscount Kar'gok

"I agree with Mikael as patriarch," said Fourth Viscount Ar'omath

"I am in favor of moving the patriarch's seat to the fifth lineage and backing Fifth BaronOngrad," said Fifth Viscount Rol'goth

"I am also in disagreement, backing Ongrad as patriarch," said Fifth Viscount Targonik

"We have four in favor and three against. From this point the motion passes to instate Mikael as patriarch," said First Viscount Vollmus.

"Mikael will be our next generation's patriarch and the First Lineage shall remain the ruling lineage of the Hudson clan."

"It's unfair! Our fifth lineage had more Viscounts than you! If Samuel didn't break through to the Viscount realm before his term ran out we would have surely taken the patriarch's seat!" said Fifth Viscount Rol'goth.

"Little brother, why are you upset. Everyone in the first lineage is proud of the fifth lineage's progress. Maybe next generation the patriarch's seat will belong to your lineage," said First Viscount Vollmus.

"My son Targmonik got snubbed out of the patriarch's seat because you were the strongest, now my grandson Ongrad is getting snubbed too! I must voice my discontent, brother," said Fifth Viscount Rol'goth.

"I understand, brother. But, the fact still stands I am the strongest of Devil Ancestors sons. And the strongest descendant in the Hudson clan," said First Viscount Vollmus.

"The first lineage has always been impartial when dealing with internal clan affairs. Why look at my grandson James. Always causing trouble, yet he was still severely punished with exile to the campgrounds."

"We even cut off his resources because the clan has no use of a Soul Dao descendant. Has the first lineage not been fair?"

"Good, big brother. Just wait until I break into the High-Viscount realm. Then you will no longer bully my lineage!" said Fifth Viscount Rol'goth.

"Ever since you entered the Viscount realm, you've gotten arrogant little brother. Focus on your devilry and break into the Count realm if you're so driven. Until then the first lineage shall reign over this Hudson clan!" said First Viscount Vollmus.

"Elder council adjourned."