A Haunted Hill

Osmin came and visited me the next day.

"After discussing it with the local halflings we have decided to gift you Bloodfang Hill while you live in our small city. This hill was once the pride of us halflings. But you know we are small and weak, unlike you young devil lord," said Osmin.

"The hill has been infested with wolpertingers, us poor halflings do not have the heart to fight to cleanse the hill of the infestation. We value the lives of all our people. We could not sacrifice them to undertake such a task."

"But you young devil lord, are strong and fierce. Your prowess renowned across the lands. It should be a minor task for you to claim this hill."

I released my , after hearing the halfling go on and on. He was clearly trying to swindle me with a dangerous area. How could the halflings leave such a valuable hill unoccupied?

They had Barons here, after all. There must be something he is not telling me.

"Are you trying to send me to my death halfling?" I said.