A Void Owl

Making it back to the Langsen rift, I was grouped together with the other entrants to the Cove of Death.

"Soldiers, prepare yourselves, for now, you dive into the jaws of the Langsen Rift," said the Viscount leading us to the Cove of Death.

The rift was a desolate place. There were tears in space everywhere. I was cautious during our travel. There was no telling when a chaotic demon would pop out of one of the spacial tears. Devils loathed chaotic demons.

The entire chaotic demon race was born of the most depraved souls from the mortal realms. These individuals were not beguiled by devils into the path of evil. They were truly evil people in life. These villains knew nothing of how to live in a civilized society.

Whenever they spawned, devils would exterminate them. It wasn't worth the effort to reform these chaotic demons. Abyssal Rifts where were these chaotic demons were birthed. The devil race was an evolution of chaotic demons. However, we had an organized society.