The Anaconda

I brought out my resentment weapon quickly. The only way I would get out of this predicament would be to kill this gigantic serpent!

Capturing was out of the question. I was not strong enough to capture this massive animal. I was fighting with my life on the line!

My resentment weapon was not empowered with any resentment yet.

It was like an old devil before he took out his little blue herbs. It couldn't get it up. T'was merely a simple dagger, forged with quality Tier-1 materials.

I hope my weapons strong enough to pierce this snakes hide!

"Ahh!" I said.


I stabbed at the belly of the snake repeatedly, opening hole after hole. Blood gushed forth from the snake's wounds. I could not allow the anaconda to wrap around me and constrict me. That would be my end!

The anaconda finally dislodged its teeth from me after being stabbed a few times and noticing it no longer had the upper hand. Yeah, you thought this young noble was an easy meal. Fat chance snake, you were the predator but now you are the prey!

The snake was now in flight mode; it wanted to escape. I would never allow that to happen.

As soon as I noticed the jaws dislodged I quickly placed my hand around the back of the anaconda's head. I now had proper control of the situation. My victory was in sight.

The fight continued for about a minute with the anaconda demon beast flailing around wildly attempting to escape. The anaconda managed to muscle me to the bottom of the mudhole with its strength.

I fought valiantly underwater with the anaconda. Strike after strike landed true. The water was dyed red with the anaconda's blood. It soon would succumb to its injuries.

As the snake was on its death throes, I landed a killing blow on the top of its head.

The gash was large, mixed with blood and brain matter. I removed my blood-stained dagger and then took out my soul orb.

I needed to absorb the departing demon beast soul. It was filled with resentment from the snake's death. A faint trace of red could be seen around the demon beast soul as I stored it into my soul orb.

Perfect, this is the type of soul I need to practice the [Lumiid Serpesco Art]! This young noble will soon have a soul servant!

Climbing out of the mudhole with the pin-cushioned anaconda corpse in tow, I looked over my wounds. An Esquire anaconda would not have evolved venom, so the wounds were only skin deep.

I took out my Tier-1 salve to cover the bite marks. The salve would help the wounds heal and ensure there was no scarring. This young noble could not be some battle scared cretin.

I had lassoed the capybara to a tree, it could not escape while I battled the anaconda. I wasn't concerned with it. This young noble was a master wrangler. How could it ever escape my skillful knot?

I needed to skin and process this large anaconda corpse before heading back. The corpse was much too large for me to fit in my storage bag. I spent the next few hours skinning the snake.

I flipped the snake over and cut all the way down its belly. Then I pulled the skin off and took the guts out. I also cut off the head and removed the fangs. I had to be sure it had not developed venom. Though mutations were uncommon, they still occurred sometimes. This young noble was an expert on wildlife safety.

The fangs and skin were the most important parts of an Esquire anaconda corpse. After I stored the skin and fangs, I made a barbecue with the snake meat.

This was a rare delicacy. I am the grill master, I will properly enjoy my treat. I didn't have any spices with me, but I would work with what I had. This was a victory meal I would savor.

I may be a spoiled young noble, but barbecuing is one of my favorite past times. I used my Soulfire qi to cook the snake meat. My temperature control was perfect. I cooked the meat medium-well.

Soon I had several nicely seared barbecued pieces of snake meat skewered in front of me. I left them and went to take a piss, planning to come back to an amazing feast. This young noble could not piss where he ate. That would be savage.


Looks like he barbecued. He made plenty for me too!

A large cat, with six legs and a long thick tail, suddenly appeared beside the barbecued snake meat. He quickly started devouring the snake meat with no regard for James. The fat cat was just enjoying his second piece when he heard a noise interrupt him.


"Theft! Stop right there!" I said.

A fat cat was eating my victory meal. How could I let such a thing stand?

I was loud hoping to scare the large fat cat away. I was not interested in fighting another demon beast, and I had no idea what kind of demon beast this six-legged cat was.

The cat ignored me and continued to munch on my snake meat, paying me no mind.

'Who dares stop the great Jurrath from taking what he wants to take?' thought the fat cat.

"You!" I said.

I was livid. My precious victory meal was being stolen by a fat cat. These are my spoils of victory, how dare you eat them.

I cooked plenty though, and it was more than I could eat alone. I conceded to my defeat to the greedy cat.

I was too tired to fight now, so I let it slide. I grabbed a piece of barbecue and stared at the cat as we both silently ate our meals.

The meat was tender and juicy. It was excellent, a true delicacy. I savored the taste of victory.

While the cat and I were stuffing their faces. The capybara was passed out on the side.

Demon beasts could usually gauge the strength of other demon beasts from their demonic auras. Even though the fat cat had concealed his it wasn't enough to stop the poor little capybara from being scared witless.