It was time for me to sail the high seas and exterminate some pirates! After purchasing Summer Flash, I headed off to the local tailor shop to get a jolly roger tailored.
"I need a jolly roger with one symbol, a book with this hammer-ax in the middle of it," I said showing the tailor Judgment.
"Quite the design you got there," said the tailor.
"I'll have her completed by tomorrow, that will be 5 merits."
"You want merits for creating a simple jolly roger?" I said.
"A tailor's got to make a living! Don't worry, I am making this thing with Tier-3 materials. She won't get destroyed by even the fiercest cannon fire."
"That makes sense," I said as I begrudgingly handed him five merits.
This young lord had very few merits to his name. I only had my monthly salary of 5 merits as a blacksmith to depend on during my time here. I had racked up over 100 of them, but they still were precious.