"Jax watch the area and alert me if anything comes," I said before settling in for the night.
"AYE AYE, CAPTAIN," said Jax as he wandered off into the woods.
In an inconspicuous cave on the island lied a chaotic demon with burn scars running across his entire body.
"It looks like someone took out that monster earlier today. I can finally get away," said the demon as he got up.
"Luckily for me, I hid when that thing attacked our encampment. I barely made it away with my life," said the demon as he placed more salve on his scar filled body. He had taken the brunt of the monsters acid spray before making his escape, he'd been holing up in this cave since then trying to recover.
"Time to sneak out in the middle of the night, while whoever killed that thing is sleeping. I've got to get off this god-forsaken island."
The demon exited his cave and cautiously crept through the jungle island.
*Wushhh Wushhh*