A Cat's Boat (Interlude)

In a sweatshop factory were many halflings all dressed similarly in white and brown dog suits. Next to their work area lay a kennel with various breeds of dog running about.

"Dogga Logga, Do-om-pa-te doo

We have a perfect puzzle for you

Dogga Logga, Do-om-pa-te dee

If you are wise you will listen to me

What do you get when you guzzle down treats?

Eating as much as that damn cat eats.

What are at getting terribly fat?

What do you think will come of that?

I don't like the look of that

Dogga Logga, Dom-om-pa-te daa

If you're not greedy, you will go far.

You will live in happiness too,

Like the Dogga Logga Dom-om-pa-te doo."

Sung the Dogga Loggas as they worked tirelessly in the sweatshop singing to the kennel.


"Meow, A shiny spent today begets shinies tomorrow," said Jurrath as he lectured Alura over the cat lord way of life.