After a short time of consolidating my experience, I broke through with my herblore. Dryads were truly blessed by nature. I would see her again if I came to a bottleneck with my herb lore.
I felt I was ready to attempt to craft Indigo pill-cores after I was done meditating. I used my Aphalla to order 'Basic Tier-2 herbs for learning alchemy', leaving me with 1000 phallic points. It was time for me to take my new experiences and dive wholeheartedly back into alchemy!
On the way to the lab, I saw Seji heading off to the alchemy lab. Was he looking for me?
"Hey, Seji. What brings you around my part of the Castle?" I said.
"No time for talk, mon. A new trial taker is heading to the alchemy lab," said Seji, as he rushed off to the lab before me.