Soulless, Break Thru! Soul Splitting!

I ran from the river of leaves that tried to cut off all routes of my escape as I sent out attack after attack to break through their veil. This was a nightmare. What type of monster did I even anger? I'm sure Shi Da never fought this woman in his life. If he did he wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

I needed to breakthrough in order to counter this storm!

"Earth Splitting"

"Earth Shattering"

What is the next waveform? How can I transform my sword qi to counter her storm?

The cherry blossom storm had cut away part of my clothing, making me truly look like a beggar now. I was a dog, a dog sentenced to die! There was no way in hell that Shi Da had ever fought this woman. She was much better than him at every turn.

For him to have such intimate knowledge of all her skills… Was she his companion? No, no that would be all too simple. She wasn't only his companion, she had to be his lover!