Cat Foreman, the Dog Whisperer (Interlude)

"Meow, hurry up you lazy mutts," screamed Jurrath as he hobbled about with the dog suited halflings behind him.

The halflings followed in line. They knew not to disobey their tyrannical cat overlord.

Jurrath made his way through the bustling city with Sybil on one side and Alura on the other. Jurrath was upset that Sybil was sticking around to watch his diet. A cat lord should be able to eat everything he could get his hands on!

Soon the processional made it to the plot of land, it was square in the middle of the city. The plot of land wasn't clear as it should be. Some devil had to audacity to be building on their plot of land already!

Jurrath looked at his deed, then looked over the plot of land to ensure he was in the right location. He double-checked again to make sure he was in the right place.

"Meow, why are you building on this cat lord's plot?" asked Jurrath after he had reassured himself he was at the right place.