A Unique Attribute. A form of enlightenment. Also known as, another step towards my escape from this nightmare.
Apparently, even my predecessors who were eccentric with their own interests were stronger than me prior to achieving my own attribute. I have been wanting to develop this for a long time, but I did not because Prime said a Unique Attribute is best developed at Tier 2. This is because Tier 1 can be considered as a fetus stage so to speak, and Tier 2 is the infant stage where my enlightenment has the most potential. You could develop one at later Tiers, but it does not change much after Tier 2 since your soul would not dramatically change anyway. This could be considered the earliest point I could develop one, and the point where I need its power most. Afterall, having this power earlier boosts my rate of survival tremendously.
"Alright Prime, explain to me one more time what I need to do."
(Simply circulate all your magic power into your soul, it should feel like your entire being is taking a warm bath. This will stimulate your soul enough to obtain your Unique Attribute. It is honestly not that hard to develop once you get to this stage, but it is not that difficult to get to your level of strength in the first place. If you had 100 humans try to get to Tier 2, maybe 20~25 could develop a combat related one and the other 25~30 people will get a non-combat related attribute. However, your fundamentals of are superior to probably 99 of those humans in my example. Most people just practice one aspect of themselves to the extreme in order to get to Tier 2, yet you balanced your body quite nicely. This will show in your Unique Attribute, but I could go over this more after you develop it. Gaining a Unique Attribute will take some time so you should start now while it is still early.)
"Got it. Circulate magic power into soul and we will discuss this later."
Okay here we go.
*Circulating Magic Power into Soul*
*Developing…1% complete…2% complete*
…Several Hours later…
*Unique Attribute Created*
Done…so tired…seriously…what the hell is this process…
(What is the name of your attribute? And show it to me.)
"…Primordial Instinct…'Status-Unique Attribute'"
*NEW*Unique Attribute: Primordial Instinct
-Your immediate spatial awareness is extended up to 1000 feet away from you
-You can now anticipate the next moves of your enemies easier
-You can now read the flow of magic easier
-After you receive 50% damage to your body, you can improve all senses by 10% and counterattack your opponents without thinking.
(Oh, it is related to my name. You may now show your utmost gratitude.)
"Damn it…this just had to be similar to your name based of you…Anyways, how do I rank now?"
(Top 4500. Without a doubt. You jumped 4000 ranks in this single moment purely because of this attribute. That is just how strong attributes are, especially yours. Your hard work and dedication to practicing and honing your skills is greatly reflected on here. Look you even have this absurd power from your soul, counterattacking opponents without thinking is a powerful ability. I forgot to mention this, but when you manage to get to Tier 3, your Unique Attribute can be strengthened. This goes on until Tier 8.)
"Not even going to think about that. Nope. Tier 2 was already hard enough to get to, and you are acting like getting to Tier 8 is a walk in the park."
(…That is because I feel like your growth rate has enhanced tremendously after awakening this Unique Attribute. The applications of this are no joke, I have a recording of millions of different Unique Attributes and yours is among the best. Although Unique Attributes are not invincible by no means, they are certainly an advantage in terms of getting to higher tiers if they can be used in combat.)
"Damn…these are such cheats…how do these exist…or are you going to tell me it is a secret…"
(No. This could be considered as a common knowledge. Every being contains some sort of magic power and a soul, your Unique Attributes are shaped by your actions and can be a considered as your power dictated since you were born. All beings have them, but it depends on the person themselves if they can awaken to it.)
"Oh…so it is not considered a cheat if everyone can have one…it just depends upon the effort."
(Yup. Even a normal, healthy person could achieve Tier 3 by their 40's if they train lightly for about 20 years. However, it is rare to get to Tier 3 by the age of 25 because that is the point where they start to obtain a power beyond normal human reach. Basically, no good things come to those who are too lazy.)
"Makes sense. So, what is the average Tier for my age?"
(Tier 2. But most people start their development in their childhood, at age 5, but you started your training at 18. Dwelling on that will not help you get stronger, just focus on yourself for now.)
"…alright…but still…to think people my age can usually be on the same level as me…"
"How is the outside world by the way?"
(You will find out once you get there.)
"Oh, so you are saying that I could get out of here."
(Absolutely. If you do not become arrogant in your strength and evaluate the situation well, getting out of here with your abilities is not a far-fetched dream. It could even be considered as a guaranteed future.)
This is it. The confirmation I needed to know what I was doing was right all along.
"Alright Prime. The moment I finish the first 2 quests, I am going to start the third quest of finding those inheritances."
(You only need to bring our Enhanced Rejuvenation to Tier 2 (Novice) and you will be done. All you need to do is some more training…I think for the next few of days if you can continuously keep it up while repeatedly doing physical training, you will just barely reach it.)
"Do you mean I have to maintain that state for several hours a day…for the new few days…"
(Yup. You usually only use it for about 2 hours a day…so if you bump it up to 8 hours a day you will be fine.)
"…I have said this so many times…Prime, you are sadist. No! You are the devil himself!"
(Thanks for the compliment. Now, if you want to progress…then get back to work.)
…sadistic demon…