


That's what I am. I am currently staring at a charred face middle-aged man that is currently staring back at me for god knows how long.

My name is Ryuuku. I'm an otaku that mainly reads anime that is popular like Naruto, Dragon Ball, and Highschool DxD, and I also read light novels like Against the Gods, Tales of Demons, and Gods and Battle Through the Heavens.

I was pretty sure I was asleep. I was tired of all the studying for my exams that I just went to my bed and slept like a log. Due to being in a deep sleep, I didn't know what was happening to my surroundings while I was asleep.

The charred face middle-aged man that was staring blankly at me then said, "Kid.... you're dead". While saying that a table and two chairs suddenly materialized in front of us. Waving his hand like a go on motion and said, "Kid let me tell you how you died."

I sat on the chair not knowing what's going on except on the fact that I am currently dead. My mind was completely blank right now. I don't know what's going to happen to me now. I thought, 'Maybe charred face knows what's going to happen to me.'

Then the charred face man looked at me like I was insulting him and said in a furious tone, "Kid. Don't you dare call me charred face man! My name is Samael, so use it."

I looked at him in an unamused manner and said dryly, "Well I didn't know what to call you so I just described how you looked." Samael just harrumphed and said, "Whatever."

I thought, 'Is this guy a fucking tsundere!?' Then Samael turns to me with an affronted looked and said, "I am not a tsundere!" But I just brushed him off due to him not being very convincing.

"So how did I really die?" I asked him in a polite tone due to him being very emotional so I don't want him not telling me anything. He just looks at me blankly and said, "I am not emotional." I just looked at him pleadingly because I really want to know how I really died.

Samael just looks at me and said, "You know how you live next to a milk company? Well, a crazy farmer was arguing with the boss of the company while bringing a cow with him. Imagine that, with a cow. Well, at some point in their argument they forgot about the cow and well, the cow walked into a window and he fell. And how you died? The cow fell through your roof and you died."

Throughout my life, I have never been embarrassed like this. I never knew I could be embarrassed like this at any point in my life. In my heart, I was cursing the crazy and at this point, I was crying tears of anger. Well, it was more like anime tears than just any regular tears.

Samael just looked at me smirking and said, "Hey kid, I want to make a deal with you." I turned to him and said with a questioning look, "What kind of deal?" He smirked at me and said, "It's a deal of a lifetime. So want to take it?"

I just want this to end soon so I said, "Just let me hear it first." He crosses his legs and immediately said, "Well kid, I kind of like you and-" I interrupted him and said, " What the hell do you mean by like!?" He deadpanned and said in a dry tone, "Kid, don't overthink things. I don't like you like that, I just met you. What I meant was I kind of like you and decided for you to be my entertainment."

I just looked at him questioningly and asked, "What do you mean by entertainment?" He looked at me like he was body scanning me and well it does look like he was body scanning me.

He said, "What I meant by entertainment is I throw you in one of the many universes in the multiverse and you will be kind of like my champion."

Now this got my attention. I quickly thought this over and it seems like this is a good deal but when you hear something this good then it must have a catch. I quickly asked him if there was a catch in all of this and he just chortled at me.

He just said that like any other omnipotent beings out there, he was just like them, bored. He then said, "All of the other beings have their entertainment and I just said, "' Ah what the hell I want one too'." I just deadpanned at him.

Well like any other otaku out there, I wanted to reincarnate and have op powers too. So I just said that I would do this if I can have powers to my liking too. He just looked at me and said, "Typical Otakus."

After saying that he looked like he was pondering over something and said, "Well I don't want you to be overpowered at the start so I'll restrict some things so you don't ruin my entertainment and you to have some sort of challenge."

It seems like a good point to me but I can't help the idea of wanting to be overpowered from the start but I just brushed it off. I thought it over and I liked the idea so I said, "Okay, I like this idea so how many 'wishes' do you want me to have?"

I looked at him and he seems to be pondering something and he said, "I'll give you around 3 or 4 wishes so think of something that can help you in the long run. If I think that the 3 wishes are already enough then I wouldn't give you the 4th wish but It'll depend on my mood if you will have the wish or not." I thought, 'Damn, there goes my fourth wish. I wish he would give me something extra for the fourth wish though.'