

As soon as Ryuuku yelled that, he realized that he wasn't beside Samael anymore and he was surrounded by trees. By the looks of it, the bastard left him in the jungle. As he was planning on going back and killing Samael he heard a noise.


[Host, Samael left a message for you]

As soon as he heard what the system had said a string of curse words flew out of Ryuuku's mouth. In his fury, he could only grit his mouth and say, "Open it."


[Hey Kid! It's me Samael, I'm not sorry for dumping you there but I'm sorry for giving you anything to go against the world cause I forgot that you would need profound veins and profound arts for those veins so I'm giving you one right now. The veins are now in your storage and the profound arts are in your library. You can try compiling them though because I never had that library so I never tried. The only things that I can tell you about the veins though are that; first, it can cultivate faster than the Primordial Chaos Veins that you've read about in Webnovel because I tried to one-up the god that made them, second is that it is like the one profound veins where the owner is an Uchiha Itachi fanatic and it can suppress other profound veins too. So don't embarrass me for not cultivating faster than Mesa and Ryusuke Uchiha. Oh and I almost forgot something, I changed your name too. You can find out want your name is through your status and before I forget, you can fuck up the original storyline there because I'll be cleaning up your mess and due to me wanting an interesting and entertaining story. So go mess things up. Be overpowered and fuck up the realms. If you're at the top you can leave the world. So make things interesting for me. Byeeeeee!]

As soon as Ryuuku heard the message he felt like spitting blood due to anger. He thought, 'The bastard even changed my name without me knowing or without my permission.' But he still went and checked his inventory looking for his profound that could even triumph over Ryusuke's Primordial Chaos Veins and Mesa's Godly Profound Veins. Well, it was more like a fusion of the two that made it even triumph over the two so it perfectly makes sense to him.

Looking through his inventory, he found his profound veins that he called the Primordial God Veins. He knew that it was kind of cliché but he still kept the name. Suddenly he remembered that he had a new name so he called out his status.




Name: Chang Lin

Status: Healthy

Cultivation: None

Profound Veins: Primordial God Veins

Profound Arts: Primordial God Arts

Skills: None

Items: Starter Pack, Energy Manipulation

As soon as he saw his own status he felt ecstatic, he immediately opened his starter pack to know what was inside it.

"System open the starter pack."


[Skill Book: Killer Instinct]

[Would the host like to integrate skill? Y|N]

'Hmmm, quite a good skill I got there. Sure integrate the skill,' I thought. This skill will pretty much help me in sensing those who have their killing intent directed on me. Freezing people in place who are weaker is pretty much easy to do with all of the knowledge I can get in the library and I can easily get experience from the monsters around here.

Sensing that the skill was integrated already he started cultivating so that he can fight the monsters around the jungle. When he started to calm down and started to feel out his energy and when he felt it he revolved it around his body. As he continued cultivating, he kept getting breakthroughs in his cultivation.

1st level of Elementary Profound Realm

2nd level of Elementary Profound Realm

3rd level of Elementary Profound Realm

4th level of Elementary Profound Realm

5th level of Elementary Profound Realm

6th level of Elementary Profound Realm

7th level of Elementary Profound Realm

8th level of Elementary Profound Realm

9th level of Elementary Profound Realm

10th level of Elementary Profound Realm

After reaching the peak of Elementary Profound Realm, his cultivating speed slowed down due to the dwindling energy in the energy. But he could still break through by revolving the profound energy twice in his body. After that, he continued breaking through realms.

1st level of Nascent Soul Realm

2nd level of Nascent Soul Realm

3rd level of Nascent Soul Realm

4th level of Nascent Soul Realm

And the energy dwindled so low that he couldn't use it to break through anymore. He left his previous spot and traveled for about a few miles from his previous spot to a new one with thicker energy that he felt like he could breakthrough. After sitting on a good spot, he continued cultivating and revolving his energy around his body. He continued breaking through his cultivation until he couldn't anymore.

5th level of Nascent Soul Realm

6th level of Nascent Soul Realm

7th level of Nascent Soul Realm

8th level of Nascent Soul Realm

9th level of Nascent Soul Realm

10th level of Nascent Soul Realm

1st level of True Profound Realm

After that he couldn't breakthrough anymore, he knew he could breakthrough some more if he moved to a place that has more profound energy. But he felt like if he would cultivate more, then it would damage his cultivation without doing any body strengthening arts and any skills.

He felt he should practice sword arts, fist arts, and movement techniques. He thought, 'Hey System compile all the sword arts into one and do it to the fist and movement arts too.' He felt like a million books were traveling to three places in his mind and felt that there was three bright light in his mind.

After almost 30 minutes of waiting, the compiling was complete. Three books were sitting in front of him with a blank book cover. Each book was for a different kind of arts that he ordered the system to compile to. He just named the arts; universal sword arts, way of the fighting fists, and fluid movement arts.

After integrating the three skills, he suddenly remembered that he knew nothing about where he is and what timeline he is. He suddenly remembered that he has a system and immediately asks it where he is. He said, "Hey system, where am I, and what are the ages of Yun Che and Xia Qingyue?"


[Host you are currently in the Floating Cloud City around the border and Yun Che and Xia Qingyue's current age are 14 years old]

'Hmmmmmm, I estimate that Xia Qingyue's cultivation should be around early-stage Nascent Soul Realm. So I pretty much rank a whole realm higher than her. The next thing I should do is get close to her,' he thought as he made his way to the Xia Manor.