
After hearing that Chang Lin was confused. He knew Xai Hongyi was nice because of the people he questioned along the way but he didn't expect him to be this nice. Chang Lin looked at him with a surprised look and said, "Sir? Why do you want to adopt me, Sir? I expected you to make me your son's bodyguard or even your daughter's. But not this!"

Xia Hongyi looked at him with a teasing look and asked, "What? You don't want to be part of the Xia family anymore?" Chang Lin gave him a panicked look to not seem suspicious and then said, "Patriarch, I do want to be part of the family but I didn't expect you to want to adopt me." He then gave a curious look at Xia Hongyi and asked, "Why do you want to adopt me, Sir? It just seems too surreal to me."

"I do like to adopt you but I have a condition before taking you in," Xia Hongyi said to him. This piqued Chang Lin's interest, he then thought, 'Oh? This seems interesting.' Chang Lin then asked Xia Hongyi, "What do you mean by a condition Sir?"

Xia Hongyi then smiled at him and said, "I would adopt you if you would protect and teach Yunbao and Qingyue while bringing glory to the family." Chang Lin then thought about it and said in a dry tone of voice, "Sir, that's what older siblings do and what a member of a family should do."

Xia Hongyi looked a little embarrassed at what Chang Lin said and just said, "You know what I mean. So kid, what do you say? Want to be my son?" Chang Lin gave him a pondering look and asked, "Wait, do I get to keep my surname or will it be changed to yours?" Xia Hongyi then gave him a confused look and then said, "Of course you'll change it. Why do you ask?"

Chang Lin or now known as Xia Lin then said, "Nothing, just wondering." Xia Hongyi then had a bright smile and said, "Wait here, I'll go get Yaunba and Qingyue now." Xia Lin just nodded at him and looked at his status.




Name: Xia Lin

Status: Healthy

Cultivation: 1st level of True Profound Realm

Profound Veins: Primordial God Veins

Profound Arts: Primordial God Veins

Skills: Killer Instinct (20%)

Universal Sword Arts (0%)

Way of the Fighting Fists (0%)

Fluid Movement Arts (0%)

Items: Energy Manipulation

Xia Lin then thought, 'Huh, it did change my name. System! Integrate Energy Manipulation, then we'll see what'll happen.' As soon as he thought of it, the system finished integrating the Energy Manipulation in him thus shocking him due to the speed of how the system does things. Looking at his Status again, he saw his Energy Manipulation already in the skills list.

Skills: Killer Instinct (20%)

Universal Sword Arts (0%)

Way of the Fighting Fists (0%)

Fluid Movement Arts (0%)

Energy Manipulation (100%)

Seeing that he already had the energy manipulation at 100%, he felt shocked. He then spoke to the system and thought, 'Hey System! Why is my Energy Manipulation skill at 100%? Do I have an instant mastery ability or something?'


[Host already had perfect Profound Energy Manipulation and the system only had to make the Profound Energy Manipulation into Energy Manipulation]

After remembering that he did had perfect Profound Energy Manipulation earlier, he still can't shake off the feeling that the Energy Manipulation skill should be harder than the Profound Energy Manipulation but can't continue to think about it due to sensing that the family of three is already arriving.

Behind Xia Hongyi were his children; Xia Yaunba and Xia Qingyue who are now his little siblings. Looking at Xia Hongyin who seems to be dragging his two children behind him, Xia Lin just couldn't help but give him a dry look. Seeing Xia Lin's face, Xia Hongyi couldn't help but give him a questioning look while slowing down.

Xia Lin gave him a pointed look and gestured to the two people behind who seems to give Xia Hongyi a confused and curious gaze. Xia Hongyi just looked at the two and gave both a sheepish grin. Xia Qingyue couldn't help but ask her father, "Father, who is that person over there?"

Hearing this, Xia Lin turns to introduce himself but was cut off by his now new and acquired father. Xia Hongyi smiles at the two and then say, "The person behind me will be your big brother." This left the two siblings dumbfounded, after recovering from the shock of receiving such big news, Xia Yaunba then gave an excited smile and said, "Really Father!?" This outburst woke Xia Qingyue out of her shock and then gave a questioning look to her father.

Not noticing the look his daughter was giving him, Xia Hongyi smiled at Xia Yaunba and nodded. Seeing the nod, Xia Yaunba excitedly ran over to his new older brother and said, "Hello big brother! My name is Xia Yaunba! What's yours?" Xia Lin couldn't help but give the buff boy a warm smile and said, "Hello Yaunba, my name was Chang Lin but currently it is now Xia Lin."

Hearing this Xia Yuanba couldn't help but smile more. He then remembered that his sister is not beside him and said, "Big sister! Come meet big brother!" Xia Qingyue couldn't help but give a helpless smile and walked over to them. Xia Qingyue then said, "Hello big brother. My name is Xia Qingyue, nice to meet you."

Hearing this Xia Lin then said, "Hello Qingyue. My n-" Xia Lin couldn't help but smile awkwardly as Xia Yuanba interrupted him with a "Nice to meet you too big brother."

Xia Qingyue then glared at Xia Yuanba for interrupting them but he just gave her a sheepish grin while scratching his head. Xia Lin couldn't help but shake his head and continue where he left off, "Let me repeat that. Hello Qingyue. My name was Chang Lin but it is now Xia Lin. It's also nice to meet you. You too Yuanba."

As this was going on Xia Hongyi was smiling warmly behind them and continued to watch them interact. Seeing as the three were now done with introducing themselves, he immediately urged them to go out of the living room and have the two younger siblings tour their older brother.

Xia Hongyi was left smiling and pondering in the living room. He thought, 'What will happen in the future now that Xia Lin is here.' But after thinking this there were two loud surprised shouts outside of the living room. He couldn't help but think, 'They were just gone for a few minutes and now they're shouting. What will become of those three?'