Raiding the Scarlet Dragon's Lair

It has been 5 months and 15 days since Xia Lin left Floating Cloud City he couldn't help but be bored with training and practicing his skills. But to Xia Lin, 170 years have gone by and he was ready to go back outside now.

Before going out, he said, "Status."



Name: Xia Lin

Cultivation: Half-step into the Divine Origin Realm

Profound Veins: Primordial God Veins

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (10th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skill: Killer Instinct, Intermediate Sword Mastery, Expert Martial Arts Mastery, Intermediate Movement Mastery, Master Medical Knowledge, Expert Cooking Mastery, Master Alchemist, Expert Blacksmith, Godlike Regeneration, Energy Manipulation (Perfect), Intermediate Soul Mastery, Master Healer

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 100x swords, 100x Spears, 100x sabers, 100x daggers, 100x halberds

System Points: 100,000

After noticing all his skills, he couldn't help but smile in pride. He then thought, 'This is the only good thing about training; results.'

Looking at all the weapons in his inventory, he let out a sweatdrop and remembered all the years making those things.

He then looked at the Sky Poison Pearl, he then thought, 'Now I have infinite inventory in my infinite inventory! And how is that in the inventory? I thought that it should be in me?'


[Host, the system is also in you so the system just put the Sky Poison Pearl in it]

Not expecting a reply, he just let out an awkward laughed.

Looking at his now existing SP points, he smiled at the thought of the system giving him points when he achieves something that is supposed to be hard.

He just looked at the Training Chamber one last time and said, "I'm gonna miss this dump. I think the things in my forge and laboratory."


[Host should not worry, the host or the system can change the timeframe in the Training Chamber. It could have been a hundred days past outside but the time in the Training Chamber could have past only for a day.]

Hearing this, Xia Lin looked affronted and yelled, "I could have done that!?!?"


[Yes Host]

Xia Lin just shook his head and said to the system, "Just let me out of here. I wanna wallow in my sadness outside where the scenery is beautiful."


[By your will host]

Xia Lin then gave an excited look and fist-pumped while saying, "Lets do this!"


[Moving host out of the Training Chamber]

After hearing that, Xia Lin suddenly saw the flush green grass in front of him and the tall trees that were hovering over him.

He couldn't help but cry of happiness seeing the forest. He then compared it to the depressing Training Chamber and he couldn't help but scoff at the clear difference of beauty between the two.

He then remembered the 2nd mission in his side quests and he couldn't help himself and let out a smirk. He then thought, 'That weak-ass dragon is nothing to me now.'

He then proceeded to go to the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range.

He then stopped as he remembered that he didn't know where it was.

He then spread out his Profound Energy and let it roam the Blue Wind Empire searching for an Emperor Realm beast that was a low-leveled fire Profound Beast.

After sensing the Scarlet Dragon he then proceeded to go to its direction.

He then flew off in terrifying speed and arrived at the place in around 15 minutes. He then stopped at the entrance of the cave and showed the dragon his cultivation realm.

Feeling Xia Lin's strength, the scarlet dragon immediately left his cave and stood in front of Xia Lin shakingly. He then said with a nervous voice, "What does this great one want with this lowly king?"

Xia Lin just gave the dragon a cruel smile and raised his hand while saying, "I want you to die." After saying this with a cold tone of voice, he then dropped his hand and multiple weapons of various degrees poured out of a portal that looked like it was from the system.

The weapons that appeared out of nowhere looked like it was reinforced with Xia Lin's Profound Energy hence strengthening his weapons.

Seeing this happen, the scarlet dragon then had a determined look and tried to injure Xia Lin with his flames before he could die. He then flapped his blazing wings and flew at Xia Lin, who just saw the dragon coming at him with the speed of a snail.

As the dragon flew at Xia Lin, numerous weapons pierced his body thus causing the dragon to roar in pain.

The dragon then grew closer to Xia Lin and blew flames out of his maw. Seeing this, Xia Lin just waved his hand and used his Profound Energy to separate the oxygen from the fire thus putting the fire out.

He learned this trick while he was in the forge and wanted to put out the fire while he far away so he tried to do it with his perfect control of the Profound Energy and snuffed the fire by separating the oxygen from the fire.

Seeing Xia Lin's action, the scarlet dragon grew scared but still attacked him not wanting to die without injuring him. But it was all for naught as Xia Lin withdrew all the various weapons on the air and used his Profound Energy and shaped it into and sword and attacked the dragon with it.

Seeing the sword made out of Profound Energy, the dragon grew even more scared. But he knew that if he tried to run away he still couldn't outpace Xia Lin, so he just attacked him with sudden new vigor.

Feeling amused by the dragon's action, Xia Lin just continued his attack and sliced one of his wings.

With one of his wings cut off, the dragon plummeted down and crashed onto the ground. He then roared in pain and stood up shakingly, he then looked at Xia Lin who still gave him a cruel smile and felt terrified.

Wondering why he was even being attacked in the first place, he asked, "Great one, why do you want to kill me? This king has done nothing to you but you still want to kill me."

Xia Lin just gave him a blank look and said, "I want all your treasures and your Profound Core."

The scarlet dragon then looked at Xia Lin with a pained look and asked, "Great one, how do you even know of my treasures?"

Xia Lin just replied with an amused smile, "I know dragons like to collect treasures and keep them with them."

The dragon said, "Great one, please spare me. You can take all my treasures but please spare me."

Listening to the dragon, Xia Lin suddenly had a great idea and said, "Dragon, your proposition is interesting but I want to make a deal with you."

The dragon suddenly perked up and asked, "What kind of deal does this great one have?"

Xia Lin then opened his palm and showed it to the dragon and said, "You see this? This is the Sky Poison Pearl. I want you to be the spirit of this treasure."

The dragon looked shocked and thought it over and asked, "What plan do you have for me if I am to be the Sky Poison Pearl spirit?"

Xia Lin then replied, "I would like you to guard the infinite storage inside the Sky Poison Pearl and if someone enters without me knowing then you would be there to attack them."

The dragon just gave him an uncertain look, seeing this, Xia Lin smiled amusedly and immediately said, "I could make you stronger if you do it."

Hearing this, the dragon suddenly perked up and looked at Xia Lin and said, "If you could do that great one then I will do it."

Xia Lin then smiled at what he heard, he then raised his right hand and lowered it down. While doing this action, the sword made out of Profound Energy moved and sliced the head of the dragon. Flying down at the corpse, he searched for its spirit and found it leaving the body.

He then grabbed the spirit and bonded it with the Sky Poison Pearl using his soul power and put the spirit in the infinite storage of the Sky Poison Pearl becoming its guardian.

After doing all that, he then walked towards the cave and entered. But before he could enter the cave, he heard a voice.

The voice then said, {Hello great one? Why can I see through your eyes?}

Hearing the dragon's voice, he was shocked to the core. He couldn't remember Jasmine seeing through Yun Che's eyes, he thought that she was just self-aware of her surroundings.

He thought, 'Hey Dragon. Can you hear me?'

The dragon replied, {Yes great one.}

'See if you can cut the connection between us.'

{I'll find a way.} After a few minutes, the dragon said, {I can not see through your eyes great one.}

Hearing the dragon say that, Xia Lin let out a relieved sigh and thought, 'Good. And can you stop calling me great one? It gets kind of annoying.'

{But you have not said any name to me for me to identify you as sir.}

Xia Lin couldn't help but be angry at himself again. He then angrily thought, 'Damnit, why do I always forget to introduce myself?'

Hearing Xia Lin talk to himself, the dragon just stayed quiet and listen to him rant.

'My name is Xia Lan. What is your name dragon?'

{I am Cheng Long or most commonly known in this area as the Flaming Dragon,} the now identified Cheng Long said with pride.

Hearing Cheng Long say this, Xia Lin couldn't help but disconnect his connection to the dragon and think, 'Orange dragon? What the hell? You are widely known as the Scarlet dragon! Why do you have a name that contradicts your title!?'

Cheng Long then reconnected their telepathic connection and asked {Xia Lin, why did you suddenly block out our telepathic connection?}

'For private thoughts.'

{Ah right, I'll sleep for now. Contact me if there's something happening that is important.}


After finishing his conversation with Cheng Long, Xia Lin then continued walking towards the treasures. A few minutes of walking, he arrived in front of the Fire Spirit Grass and the Evil God's Fire Seed. He then harvested all the Fire Spirit Grass and put it all in the Sky Poison Pearl storage and went to the Fire Seed.

He smiled evilly as he thought, 'I'm taking this so that Yun Che's progress in cultivation will significantly weaken.'

He then put the Seed in his inventory and heard a noise.


[The quest "Raid the Dragon's Lair and loot all his treasures" has been completed]

[Rewarding the host; 200,000 SP]

He smiled at the additional SP that he got and went out of the cave to see Cheng Long's corpse. He then remembered that he didn't get the Profound Core of the body and proceeded to separate it with the body.

He then stored both the corpse and the core in his inventory and thought, 'Almost forgot about that. Don't want the Burning Heaven Clan to get it or even worse, for Yun Che to get it and use it to help him get stronger.'

He felt happy with all the things that he had done now and looked at the direction of the Floating Cloud City and said, "I'm coming home, guys. Just wait for a little longer."

He then smiled at the thought of being with Xia Yuanba and Xia Qingyue again. He had waited for this moment for a long time.

He then jumped and flew to the Xia Manor to meet with his family.