Marvin was still curled up under the thick blanket. his head still feels a little dizzy, remembering last night he spent having fun with Ronny at a club where he usually gathered.

Marvin covered his head with a pillow. Marvin was forced to open his eyes when the thick blanket pulled him roughly.

"Wake up Marvin, until when are you like this? come home every night always drunk." shouted his mother.

"Mom, my head is still dizzy let me sleep for a while" Said Marvin closing his eyes while Bella was opening all the windows of his room.

"No Marvin, you have to get up now. I want to talk to you." said Bella in a firm voice sitting next to Marvin.

"What do you want to say Mom?" Marvin asked, still drowsy, his eyes half open.

"How is your relationship with Nadine?" have you managed to approach her?" Bella asked seriously.

"No progress yet Mom. I just met Nadine, Mom" Marvin replied, still with his eyes closed.

"Open your eyes Marvin!" shouted Bella irritably.

"You have to get to Nadine as soon as possible, Marvin!!" Bella said as her hand straightened Marvin's chin.

"Yes Mom, I'm still looking for a way to approach Nadine. It's not easy to get Nadine's heart, Mom." said Marvin with despair.

"You know Marvin! That you have to get Nadine. Mother doesn't want to know how, You have to get to Nadine as soon as possible." said Bella with a serious look.

Marvin rubbed the nape of his neck, the task his mother had given him was very heavy.

"Mother doesn't know how cold Nadine's attitude is to me." Marvin said to himself remembering Nadine's cold and indifferent attitude.

"Marvin! you heard what mother said?" Bella shouted right in Marvin's ear while carrying a pillow then hit Marvin with the pillow she was holding.

Marvin covered his face from Bella's punches that didn't stop at all.

"Yes Mom, I heard what you said." Marvin replied in horror at his mother's anger.

"You only have two weeks, in two weeks Nadine should be your lover. If not, You will know how angry I am." Bella threatened while throwing a pillow at Marvin and then walked out of Marvin's room.

Marvin took a deep breath. His mother is really terrible when angry, especially when it comes to Nadine.

Marvin doesn't know the reason behind all his mother's wishes. Since Marvin moved in town. His mother and father had already told him, if he wants to get his rights as sole heir then he must marry Nadine.

"Who is Nadine? why do I have to marry Nadine to get the inheritance? Why is Nadine so important to his family? Aarrrgghhhhhh." shouted Marvin to himself, very dizzy thinking about Nadine's troubles.

Every time Marvin asked his mother. His mother only said "Just do your job well and quickly"

"Peeve! why am I faced with a complicated problem like this." said Marvin, wringing his hair.

Lazily, Marvin got out of bed walking with his head still heavy.

Marvin exited the room down the stairs to the kitchen. He saw Aunt Mirah cooking her favorite fried rice.

Marvin hugged Aunt Mirah from behind, then leaned her head on Aunt Mirah's back.

Aunt Mirah turned around and smiled at Marvin's never-changing behavior. Very spoiled like still a teenager.

Aunt Mirah has been a maid in the Marvin family for decades. Since Marvin wasn't born yet. Since childhood, Marvin depended on Aunt Mirah more than his mother.

Aunt Mirah is considered her second mother.

"Sit down Marvin, eat the fried rice while it's warm." said Aunt Mirah as she pulled Marvin's hand to sit on the chair to eat immediately.

In front of Marvin was already a plate of Marvin's favorite fried rice. Aunt Mirah looked at Marvin affectionately.

Time flies quickly, Marvin is an adult and he has a big task ahead.

"Hope you can do your job, Marvin." said Aunt Mirah to herself, while looking at Marvin who was eating his fried rice with great gusto.


Nadine polished her slightly pale lips with a gloss. Looked at her face in the mirror, looking very tired with dark bags in her eyes.

Nadine had not slept well all night, Ardham came in her dream without Nadine wanting.

It was really tormented all night to find herself alone in her room.

Nadine can't forget Ardham's image even though Nadine tries her best.

Her love and longing have stuck to the walls of her heart. A tear of sadness fell on Nadine's cheek.

When she saw his face in front of the mirror, it really looked very sad.

Nadine smiled bitterly.

"Nadine forget Ardham! You must be enthusiastic and move forward." muttered Nadine to herself.

Nadine exhaled loudly, releasing all the weight on her chest that had been gripping her.


The sound of a car horn sounded in Nadine's ear interrupting her reverie.

"Who came here early in the morning? as far as I know only Vio my close friend who knows my house" Nadine asked herself.

Nadine hurried down the steps and opened the blinds slightly. Nadine saw a red car in the yard of her house.

A glimpse of the face seen behind the open windshield, a face she just met a few days ago.

"Marvin? what is the meaning of being here in the morning?" Nadine said to herself, trying to remember whether she had given Marvin the address.

Still with hanging questions, Nadine opens her door and walks over to Marvin's car.

"Hi! what are you doing in the morning here?" Nadine asked in a flat voice and cold face.

Marvin turned and gave him a charming smile, however, Marvin did not see Nadine interested in his smile which always made women crazy.

"I'm picking you up, It's not that we have an assignment from Mr. Anwar to interview a well-known businessman in this city?" Marvin replied as he got out of his car in a relaxed manner. Marvin knew and saw clearly that Nadine did not like his arrival.

"We can discuss this task on campus. Why did you have to come here?" Nadine said in an unhappy tone.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I only meant well to pick you up." said Marvin sincerely trying to apologize. But his sorry words were like a wind to Nadine.

Nadine's face remained cold without a smile.

"Come home, we can meet on campus later." said Nadine without feeling and guilt.

Marvin was a little offended by Nadine's words, but Marvin can hold his irritation. Marvin imagined his mother's angry face was terrifying compared to Nadine's still meager coldness.

"I can't go back home, I've been here to pick you up... get in the car." said Marvin defending his good intentions.

"Up to you, I won't go with you." said Nadine stubbornly.

Nadine stomped her foot and stepped outside leaving Marvin who was still staring at him with a complicated gaze. Marvin quickly pursued Nadine, with one lift Marvin was already carrying Nadine.

Nadine shouted loudly with Marvin's treatment who lifted her harshly.

Nadine beat Marvin's chest hard.

"Put me down!!" what are you doing Marvin!" shouted Nadine, trying to escape.

Even though Nadine shouted loudly, Marvin did not care about Nadine's screams, even Marvin did not feel the pain when Nadine beat his chest very hard.

The image of her mother's anger was more terrifying than Nadine's beating.

With all his might Marvin opened the car door and put Nadine in the front seat of the car.

Nadine screamed loudly trying to get out of the car, but Marvin locked the car door from the outside. Immediately Marvin turned quickly into the car.

With his remaining strength and anger she could no longer endure, Nadine hit Marvin in the chest and even hit Marvin's face.

Marvin swiftly blocks Nadine's next attack by gripping Nadine's two hands very firmly.

Nadine struggled to try to get off Marvin's block.

"Let me go, what do you want Marvin!! I'll report you to the police, Let me go!!" shouted Nadine, still trying to break free from Marvin's grip so tight that her wrist ached.

Desperate, Nadine started crying and begged Marvin to let go of her hand.

"Let me go, what did I do wrong to you?" Nadine asked, looking up her teary face.

Seeing Nadine, who was no longer rebellious and just crying, Marvin let go of his grip.

He took a tissue that was in front of the glass, He took several sheets and gave them to Nadine.

"Forgive me, I mean no harm. I just want to pick you up and complete the assignment from Mr. Anwar. That is it." said Marvin trying to calm Nadine's heart.

Nadine is still crying as she wipes her tears with the tissue she received from Marvin.

"do not Cry anymore, I can't stand to see women cry." said Marvin guiltily.

Nadine caught a glimpse of Marvin and returned to wiping the tears that remained on her lids.

Marvin took another tissue and gave it to Nadine.

"You have runny nose in your nose, you haven't cleaned it." said Marvin, pointing at Nadine's nose.

Instantly Nadine felt embarrassed, Nadine immediately wiped the snot on her nose.

But Nadine was a little surprised, when she saw that there was no snot on the tissue at all.

She saw Marvin smiled then laughed out loud.

"Dammit! I've been working on Marvin!" Nadine said to herself, hitting Marvin's head with her bag.

"Ouch, sick Nadine!!" said Marvin, holding back his laughter.

Nadine felt embarrassed, she once again hit Marvin's shoulder with her bag.

But then Nadine chuckled too, remembering Marvin who had made fun of her. Marvin smiled with relief, could see and hear Nadine's laughter for the first time.