"My heart turns out to be very weak Uncle, too weak to hate you, "whispered Nadine's heart.

"Nad, have you really thought about getting engaged to Marvin next month?" Ardham asked, stroking Nadine's hair, who was still in his arms.

Nadine looked up at Ardham's eyes, honestly Nadine could not answer Ardham's question which for him was very difficult to explain.

"If you don't want to answer it's okay, i will not force you." Ardham continued.

"Uncle." Nadine called softly.

"Hm ... what?" Ardham's hoarse voice, made Nadine's blood flow faster, there was a surge that Nadine felt.

"Don't ever leave me again, only uncle who i have in this world" Nadine squeaked nearly about to cry.

"Is that so Nad?" isn't there now Marvin who loves you and will take care of you forever? "Ardham said in jealousy.

"Uncle!" Don't keep teasing me, i'm seriously uncle. "Nadine teased with pouting lips.

"Uncle, do you think Marvin is a good man?" Nadine asked, staring right at Ardham's beaded eye. Ardham did not answer Nadine's question,

"What do you think?" Ardham asked back.

"Marvin is a good man, uncle, he really loves his family, and Marvin is also handsome." Nadine begins to open up to Ardham, Ardham's heart sinks when Nadine says that Marvin is handsome.

"Who is more handsome, Uncle or Marvin?" challenged Ardham with a black heart.

"Emm..." Nadine stared at Ardham's face, tracing every inch through his eyes. Ardham felt embarrassed and looked away. Nadine's hand held Ardham's jaw so that Ardham's face remained in a position to stare at him.

"Uncle is more handsome, for me .. Uncle is the most handsome man in the world." Nadine said as she looked at Ardham.

Ardham's face flushed red, like a teenager in love. Nadine's red lips moved beautifully as she spoke, making Ardham's blood flow warm all over her body.

"The more mature, you are smarter at flirting and seducing hm." Ardham said, releasing his hug, then stood up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Uncle wants to take a shower first, as well as go to work, you didn't sleep all night, you can't sleep?" Ardham continued touching Nadine's head.

Nadine nodded slightly. Her heart was a little curious about his compliment, Ardham seemed calm.

Standing, Ardham kissed Nadine's forehead gently.

"Good night little fairy." Ardham said as he rubbed Nadine's cheek and stepped out of the room.

Nadine squeezed her pounding chest, her uncle's 180 degrees of attention and attitude, now made her even more restless. Because remembering what she said and Marvin promise.

"Akhhh why is this sweet thing happened after I decided to get engaged to Marvin." Nadine's heart screamed, staring beside the wall of her room, hugging her bolster tightly.

Ardham entered his office with a light heart, his feelings seemed to fly with the care and affection Nadine gave him. Especially when Nadine said that he was the most handsome man in the world.

Ardham's lips lifted into a smile. Smiling to himself in his desk chair, remembering Nadine's red lips that moved so beautifully when she spoke and the anxiety on Nadine's face while caring for him.

Ardham's eyes closed, his chest was beating in rhythm with his heartbeat.

"Nadine, my little fairy." sighed Ardham between the smiles on his lips.

"Knock ... Knock"

The door opens, an Ardham employee who handles the receipt of a shipment or package, enters from behind the door carrying important documents in a brown envelope.

"Sir, here are several packages of documents from four companies and this one is not clear the sender, sir." Ardham's employee, Mr. Iwan, explained while putting all the packages on the side of Ardham's desk and then bowing respectfully out of Ardham's room.

Ardham took all the enveloped documents, saw them and read them one by one the senders of the five documents.

Ardham looked at one of the envelopes that had no sender, even he saw that there was no stamp from where it was sent. Ardham curiously opened the envelope, there was an unfolded letter and several photos on it.

Ardham's hand trembled slightly when he saw some of these photos. Two photos of Nadine are clearly visible when she is alone, and two more photos of Marvin.

Looking at the background of the photo Nadine and Marvin ,Ardham are sure that the photo was taken when Nadine and Marvin were in the campus yard and in the campus parking lot.

Ardham's mind began to recall the Arsen letter that was given to him three days before the accident.

"Does this shipment have anything to do with Arsen's death and the threat directed at Arsen?" Ardham thought hard, he took out a letter from the envelope and read it with an uneasy heart.

"If you keep Nadine's identity, and hide it, I will still know. Nadine is the daughter of Arsen, then Nadine must also disappear from this world. You will not be able to stop my path. Find a way while you can, Nadine is already in my grasp, even Marvin's from Bella's son will be in danger if involved. Take care of Nadine properly, a second you turn away, Nadine's life will be finished "

"Bastard!" shouted Ardham, throwing the letter on the table. Ardham took his cellphone and then contacted his best friend who had been helping him deal with Nadine's case.

"Abay, come here immediately, and bring the important letter from Arsen first. I just got a shipment from that person, he already knows Nadine's identity, thar Nadine is Arsen's son." Ardham explained with a very serious face.

"Where are you now Ardham? It's been a long time you haven't contacted me?"

"I'm back here, I'm waiting for you in my study."

"Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

Ardham hung up and immediately called Nadine.

"Where are you Nadine?"

"Still at Uncle house, and now i'm going to the campus to pick up the afternoon schedule."

"From now on, if you go to campus or go anywhere, i will take you." Ardham's stern voice

"Engg, it can't be like that, uncle, i also has an event with friends, with Vio and Marvin." Nadine replied, slightly surprised by Ardham's possessive attitude.

"Nadine, obey uncle, it's for your good sake little fairy."

Nadine's heart melts, even though Ardham calls her the little fairy.

"All right uncle, but now i has an appointment with Marvin, uncle ... it will be uncomfortable with Marv."

"You broke your promise today with Marvin, you won't go anywhere, this afternoon i will come home."

Ardham immediately closed his cell phone as Abay appeared from behind the door.

"Bay, sit down." Ardham invited Abay to sit in front of him.

"Here Arsen's letter age's ago, I have melaminated it so it won't be destroyed, this letter should not be lost because from this expression of Arsen's heart, it can be used as part of evidence." said Abay, handing Arsen's letter to Ardham.

Ardham pressed his temples with a serious face.

"I don't know how to prove that Arsen's closest person is the mastermind of all this, and what is the motive for him to kill Arsen." complained Ardham.

"My investigation does lead to it Ardham, but I have to confirm again from Kenzi, Kayla's older brother, that there may be hints from there, because the main problem here is actually Arsen." said Abay.

"Trouble Bay, if that person is the mastermind of all this incident, we don't find any evidence in the car, so the only way we have to challenge him to get out." said Ardham looking at Abay.

"Are you ready for the risks if you challenge him out, the lives of you and Nadine are at stake." Abay stared sharply. Ardham's hands clenched.

"I'm ready for the risk, I ask your bodyguard to always monitor and guard Nadine wherever Nadine is, I will always accompany Nadine." Ardham stood up and stepped into the small vault that was behind the painting.

He took two pistols and placed them in front of Abay.

"Buy the bullets for my gun, I need them now." Ardham said in a cold voice.

Abay took the gun and put it in his bag.

"Ready Ardham, tomorrow I'll immediately go to town B To meet Kenzi, you have to be careful from now on Dham." Abay ordered before leaving Ardham's room.