Today, the second day Marvin is in the hospital. By force, Doctor Satriyo let Marvin go home because Marvin was feeling homesick ln the hospital.

It's not just the food that Marvin doesn't like, but the fact that some nurses are a little flirty to him. Makes Marvin even more uncomfortable and makes him even more dizzy.

"I'm glad I got home today, so I can be cared for by Nadine alone within 24 hours." said Marvin smiling while his eyes glanced at Nadine, who was fixing Marvin's dirty clothes into a big bag.

"I can't, Marv, if I have to take care of you 24 hours. Aren't we at home? I can only go to your house after returning from campus, if you allow me to. Is that right, uncle?" Nadine explained to Marvin, and turned to her uncle who was sitting on the sofa.

"Uncle, let Nadine live with me." beg Marvin,

Ardham shook his head, with his gaze getting complicated. Ardham cannot let Nadine stay at Marvin's house because surely he will not be able to fully look after Nadine, especially since his situation is increasingly unpredictable.

"Look, Uncle didn't let me, so I'm sorry ... if I can't take care of you fully." Nadine looked at Marvin sadly.

"Then I'll stay with you Nad, until I get better." asked Marvin.

"If you've asked to go home, that's a sign you're cured Marv." Ardham said a little annoyed, making his emotions rise.

"You know for yourself what the doctor said. My liver, stomach and kidneys have to recover one hundred percent, uncle, for that someone has to be able to maintain my diet ... take care of me." denied Marvin did not want to lose.

"You have your Mommy, who can take care of you." Checkmate from Ardham.

"Come on uncle, please .. I already have Nadine uncle, soon we will be engaged too. I promise if I'm allowed to stay, my attitude will be more polite to uncle." asked Marvin.

Ardham looked away.

"This kid really makes my blood go up, alright..just until you recover and it won't take more than two days." Ardham said firmly.

"Isn't it usually takes a week for recovery, uncle?" Marvin bargained.

"Yes! Or nothing!" look at Ardham sharply.

Marvin was silent with his heart starting to shrink, what a really cold and arrogant uncle. Nadine, who had finished packing Marvin's things, stepped over and sat down near Ardham.

"Uncle, can we go home now? Marvin's goods are ready, everything." Nadine asked looking at Ardham.

Ardham nodded his head at Nadine. then turned to look at Marvin.

"Marv, you can go alone, right? Or do you want to get carried hm?" Ardham asked, intending to tease Marvin.

"I'm still a little weak, uncle, someone has to carry me, uncle. Nad, you carry me, huh?" Let my uncle bring the things. "said Marvin to Nadine. Ardham's hands clenched tightly. With an annoyed heart, Ardham was forced to carry a large bag and one small bag.

Ardham walked behind, following Marvin, who was followed by Nadine. A very sad sight for Ardham. Marvin already wanted to torture his heart openly.

Arriving at the parking lot, Nadine, who is about to sit in front of Ardham, is prevented by Marvin.

"Nad, you just sit here with me, I'm sleepy wanting to sleep on your lap." cried Marvin with a chuckle, very happy to see Ardham's red face stifling anger and jealousy.

Without comment, Nadine stepped in to sit in the back beside Marvin. Marvin looked at Nadine gently.

"Nad, can I sleep on your lap? I feel a little dizzy and nauseous."

"Why can't you? Go to sleep..here give your head and sleep here." Nadine replied, patting her thighs so that Marv's head could lie down.

Ardham's rearview mirror saw the scene with a very sore heart.

His hands were clenched in the steering wheel of the car, eager for Ardham to crash his car so that he would no longer see the painful sight.

With high speed Ardham drove his car towards his house.

Throughout the journey Ardham did not say anything other than silent, with his eyes occasionally turned to the rearview mirror to see what Marvin and Nadine were doing.

Arriving home without helping Marvin, Ardham got out of the car and closed the door a little hard. He could not stand his irritation and jealousy anymore. Marvin, who clearly wanted to heat it up, added Nadine's attitude who did not refuse at all.

"Aaaaakkkkhhhhhhhh." shouted Ardham in his soundproofing office.

"I can't go on like this, I won't stand to see all that, Nadineeeee." moaned Ardham calling Nadine's name.

"Don't you love Uncle anymore? Have you really turned away from you?" Ardham asked, staring at Nadine's photo, which Ardham took out from the locked drawer.

"Drrrt... Drrrt... Drrrt"

Abay his calling.

While wiping the remaining tears on his eyes, Ardham received a call from Abay. while putting Nadine's photo back into the drawer.

"Yes Bay." Ardham said hoarsely.

"I just got to Dham, when do we meet and invite Bella?"

"The sooner the better, I can't stand this stinging pain." Ardham said unconsciously.

"What do you mean Dham? Who's sick? Who's hurting?" asked Abay there, not understanding.

"Sorry Bay, I just saw a sad movie..so I got carried away." Ardham reasoned which was absurd.

"Hahh! Since when did you have time to see a movie? Ahh never mind .. now when can we meet?"

"Tonight, at eight o'clock, dinner right, as well as you eat at my house ... later let me invite Bella, don't forget to bring all the evidence."

"Okay ready Dham." said Abay with a smile because he was soon meeting Ardham, who had not seen him for a long time.

Ardham leaned back in his work chair. His attitude almost made him embarrassed in front of Abay.

With his eyes closed, Ardham tried to calm his heart, which since the morning had made his heart go haywire. Ardham's door was knocked outside.

But Ardham let it be, it must have been Anna who had come back, who usually just walked in without her asking.

Ardham kept his eyes closed, trying to forget for a moment his sadness by trying to sleep.

"Uncle." Nadine's voice called


Ardham's heart, which had begun to calm down, was racing quickly again, until his chest felt tight and pounding.

Ardham's eyes were still closed, there was no courage in his heart to face Nadine now. The feeling of longing so much made Ardham afraid of his desire to hug Nadine's body tightly.

"Looks like uncle sleeping, even though since morning there has been no food." muttered Nadine as she put Ardham's favorite cup of coffee and a plate of rice on the dining table.

She saw Ardham's face, who was so calm sleeping with his head leaning back. It was too cold in the room because the air conditioner was on loudly, Nadine took Ardham's coat which was lying on the table, then wrapped it around Ardham's body.

Nadine also stepped away to get out immediately, because she saw that her uncle was still fast asleep and Nadine could not bear to wake her up.

Nadine's hand grabbed the knob and stopped at once when Ardham's voice called out to her.

"Nadine, don't go." Ardham stood up and ran to hug Nadine from behind. Ardham's head rested on Nadine's back. Nadine's heart stopped, with Ardham's attitude suddenly hugging her very tightly.

Nadine turned around, facing Ardham's body. Ardham still hugged him tightly.

"Uncle, what's wrong? Are you feeling lonely because aunt An hasn't come home yet?" Nadine asked

"Yes, uncle is very lonely, my heart is very hurt, it hurts here." said Ardham moaning in Nadine's neck.

Nadine's heart hurts ... this has been the umpteenth time, Ardham hurt her. But Nadine tries to realize the reality, Ardham has nothing wrong with getting hurt because aunt An is often not home, and Ardham must have missed aunt An a lot.

Nadine stroked Ardham's hair.

"Be patient, uncle, soon aunt An will come home ... and if you miss her, why don't you just call aunt An?" Nadine said with a million pain streaking her heart. Ardham ignored Nadine's words, in his arms he hug Nadine's body tighter. until Nadine struggled to breathe.

"Uncle, let's sit there. Aren't you hungry? Nadine has prepared food and coffee for you." said Nadine, pointing to Ardham's table.

"Uncle is not hungry Nad." Ardham's voice was weak. there is no desire to eat.

"Want Nadine to feed Uncle?" Nadine offered, remembering that Ardham often fed her from childhood to adolescence.

Ardham looked at Nadine in disbelief, would Nadine want to feed him? "


Who likes Ardham? Who likes Marvin? Who do you think Nadine will choose? Ardham or Marvin? or neither ...

Notes :

I hope you like it in this chapter. And please comment and vote so that I will be more excited. thank you I love all of you muach.