At Ardham airport and Nadine sitting on the sofa in one of the quite elite dining restaurants, Ardham promised Abay to pick up Jianying this morning, which is estimated to be in fifteen minutes.

While waiting for Jianying's arrival, Ardham read a daily newspaper in the morning and ordered a cup of coffee and two egg omelets for breakfast. Nadine was just sitting and standing occasionally staring at the exit of the airport.

"Dham, is it still long for Jian to come? "Asked Nadine to Ardham, who seemed to focus on reading the daily newspaper.

"In fifteen minutes Nad, why? Can't wait to see Jianying's handsome face? "Ardham asked, squinting at Nadine, who had been looking for Jian's figure.

Nadine, who heard Ardham's jealous answer, wanted to tease Ardham one more time.

"Just curious dham, Jian is still young. When friends his age were still seeking knowledge, he was already working. So a famous notary again, very amazing. "Answered Nadine with amazed eyes.

Ardham took a deep breath as he put the newspaper on the table, and gave Nadine a slightly irritated look.

"I was also very young when I was a CEO. Doesn't that amaze you?" Asked Ardham, not wanting to lose if Nadine praised Jian.

Nadine turned to look at Ardham's annoyed face.

"Ohh ... is that true Dham? I really admire you dear." praised Nadine as she rubbed Ardham's cheek gently with her sweet smile, in order to get rid of the irritation on Ardham's face. Ardham smiled openly, lost already resentment in his heart.

"Dham, can I ask no?" Nadine asked, her face turned serious and a little worried.

Nadine shifted her seat closer to Ardham. Ardham who saw Nadine's face was very serious, also put on a serious face.

"Hm .... ask what Nad? your face so serious? "

"I just want to know when you plan to meet Grandpa Robet?" Nadine asked carefully.

"After Abay is done with gathering the evidence, and you have signed the will, I will immediately go to see him to prove all his crimes. why is it Nad?" Ardham replied as he took a sip of his last coffee.

"Are you there alone?" asked Nadine again without answering Ardham's question.

"Hm ... no, only Jianying and I were there. Why?" Ardham tilted his face to look at Nadine's face, which looked worried.

"I am afraid if you meet Grandpa Robet without the escort of Abay's people. I'm afraid if something happens to you Dham." said Nadine, laying her head on Ardham's shoulder.

Ardham stroked Nadine's black hair, Nadine's fragrance filled her scent.

"You don't worry, nothing will happen to me. Moreover, there is a Jian who can take care of me." Ardham replied in a soft voice.

"The plan you meet Grandpa where is Dham? in the office huh? "Asked Nadine again, still curious.

"At her house, because I'm sure all the evidence I need is in Robet's. why Nad? you look very worried dear? Don't you believe me if I can take care of myself?" Ardham said in a very soft tone seeing Nadine worried about him.

"I don't know Dham, since you told me everything about the death of papa and mama, also about Grandpa William's legacy and Grandpa Robet's threat.. I became a little afraid, not afraid of myself. I'm afraid if something happens to you." Nadine said with tears in her eyes.

"This is what I'm worried about after I tell you everything Nad. You definitely won't feel calm like this, you are worrying about me." said Ardham, feeling guilty for involving Nadine indirectly.

"I worry about you because I love you Dham. I do not want to lose you." Nadine's soft voice returned to resting her head on Ardham's broad chest.

"I worry about you too and love you very much Nad. that's why I've kept this problem for a long time, because I'm afraid something will happen to you. very afraid of losing you dear." Ardham replied, grabbing Nadine's back fully.

Nadine just understood now, why Ardham had been hiding this big problem from him, none other than because Ardham was afraid of losing himself.

"Dham. "Called Nadine softly.

"Yes dear, what's wrong?" Ardham replied, no less softly, making Nadine flow warm.

"You know that middle-aged woman who sits at the cashier?" Nadine asked, pushing her head even more against Ardham's chest.

"Yes why Nad?" Ardham asked as he glanced at the woman sitting at the cashier.

"From our entry, he watched you continue. Do you know him?" Nadine asked, slightly annoyed by the woman's admiring gaze at Ardham.

"I don't know him at all." replied Ardham who did not understand the direction Nadine meant.

"If you don't know him? why is he looking at you like that?" Nadine's voice was full of pressure with raised eyebrows.

"What kind of stare?" Ardham asked, staring Nadine's slightly complicated eyes, increasingly not understanding Nadine's attitude.

"Asshhh.. You always don't understand a woman's gaze. He seems to like you, or rather admires you." Nadine explained a little annoyed that the woman was still watching Ardham.

"So what if he admires me? What's wrong Nad?" Ardham stared even more into Nadine's beaded eyes which began to blaze there.

"Surely he thought I was your daughter, so he dared to look at you like that." said Nadine, starting to get upset at the woman's behavior, who openly smiled at Ardham.

Ardham just smiled happily seeing Nadine's first time showing his jealousy.

"Dham." Nadine called again, still glancing at the cashier woman.

"Yes Nad." Ardham replied holding back a laugh in his heart.

"Kiss my lips now! this is my command as your future wife." Nadine said with a heart starting to heat. Ardham looked surprised by Nadine's usually embarrassed courage to even refuse him if he wanted to kiss her, let alone make out in public.

And now? in a public place, Nadine wants him to kiss her? really a woman's jealousy can change a person in an instant." Ardham thought with a more and more flowery heart.

"Are you sure honey? I have to kiss you, in this place?" Ardham confirms Nadine's request, which for Ardham is an unexpected blessing.

"I'm sure, let that woman know that I am your lover. not your son! let's do it, but don't be too long? enough he knows if you kiss my lips." said Nadine with a face that began to turn red when Ardham began to bring her face closer.

With a smile on his lips, Ardham brought his face closer to Nadine's, he saw Nadine's lower lip which was ruby, making Ardham's heart want to crush him immediately.

Ardham slowly touched Nadine's lips with hers, gently crushed Nadine's lower lip, it really felt chewy and very delicious.

Nadine who glanced at the woman did not respond to what Ardham was doing, except to see the reaction on the woman's face, when Ardham kissed her lips tenderly.

And Nadine's wish came true to see how bright red a woman's face saw Ardham kissing her lips, he even had time to see the woman throwing the pen and going inside. Nadine immediately pulled her face quickly when Ardham began to suck her lower lip, Nadine laughed off when she saw Ardham's face that looked disappointed because he was not satisfied with kissing Nadine's nice lips.

"Sorry dear, later we will continue at home, honey ... embarrassed to see the crowd." said Nadine, chuckling with a satisfied heart.

Meanwhile Ardham could only sigh while holding back the pain, because the younger brother in his pants had started to harden. Ardham stood up from his seat about to get a bottle of drink to neutralize his passion, until the cell phone in his pocket rang.

"Drrrt... Drrrt... Drrrt"

Abay is calling 

"Yes bay, what's up?"

"Where are you Dham, Jianying has been waiting for you for almost half an hour beside the airport door. where do you pick up? and what have you been doing?" Said Abay, feeling annoyed that Jian had to wait a long time.

Ardham could not help but accept Abay's anger.

"I'm sorry, I'm there now okay! actually I've been at the airport a long time ago, just something happened that made me forget the time." Ardham explained as he glanced at Nadine who chuckled at Ardham's disappointed face.

"Hurry over there, hopefully no one will bother you anymore until you lose track of time." Abay's annoyed voice can still be heard there.

Ardham switched off his cell phone, and immediately continued to take the bottle and drink it until it runs out.

"Nad come on, Jianying has been waiting there for a long time." called Ardham seeing Nadine who had paid his order at the cashier with a different female cashier.

Nadine walked beside Ardham, Ardham's strong hand gripping Nadine's fingers tightly.

"Dham, isn't that Jianying?" Nadine said to Ardham, pointing to a young man with brown glasses, wearing a dark blue sweater paired with blue jeans which also looks very casual. it really added to Nadine's good looks and casual figure.

"I think a notary is not much different from yours Dham? but this is beyond my expectation, very different." whispered Nadine to Ardham.

Ardham pressed his grip, until Nadine grimaced with joy to see Ardham jealous.