"Come on Marvin." Nadine said after she finished stopping Jian's bleeding by tying his arm with her handkerchief

Jian stared at Nadine and Marvin's departure with a complicated look.

After the death of Marvin and Nadine, Jian glared intently at the two enemies who sat down with a grimace while holding his hand, whose blood was still flowing profusely.

"I'm asking one more time! who ordered you?" Jian hissed as he took two of his daggers from behind his waist.

"Who ordered you?" shouted Jian once again, while scratching his dagger on the two boys' cheeks. The two men screamed in pain while clutching their cheeks which were flowing with fresh blood.

"If you don't confess, fine ... I will be forced to happily end your life." said Jian in a cold voice right in the ear of one of his enemies.