"How many times have I told you Dham ... if I love you so much, you are the only one in my heart. Seven years I have always waited for you and missed you, without opening my heart to other men. Are those seven years not enough to prove that I only love you a Dham?" Nadine said sadly.

Not sad because of her, but sad when he saw Ardham couldn't believe in himself. Still can't believe that she really loves Ardham so much, despite the many temptations that surround her.

Ardham's throat felt choked, with his face getting flushed between his body getting more feverish and his embarrassment that Nadine had caught his jealousy.

"Nadine, Didn't you meet Jian here tonight? I heard it myself when you called Jian?" Ardham said stupidly.

"You are sick Dham, how can you go tomorrow if you are still not well. Come on in your room Dham, your body is getting feverish." Nadine said in a soft voice, hugging Ardham's waist to enter the room.