"Nad, have you brought everything?" Marvin asked when Nadine was already on campus with Jian.

"Which one?" Nadine asked, not understanding what Marvin meant.

"You Nad !! my order. I told uncle, if you bring a lot of snacks. Did you not tell me, did you?" Marvin said with a serious look.

"Uncle Ardham didn't say anything to me. And again you don't usually ask for something from Uncle Ardham. Did something happen to Marvin?" Nadine asked intending to prank Marvin.

"There's nothing, it's just that Uncle Ardham doesn't want us to starve because of that Uncle intends to buy snacks for us." Marvin said a little nervously.

"Is it just that? isn't it because Uncle Ardham has learned something from you?" Nadine asked, holding back a smile.

Marvin paused at Nadine with an astonished look. Thinking how can Nadine know about Ardham who is learning something from him.

"How do you know?" Marvin asked with a probing gaze.

Nadine smiled again.