Nadine frantically ran over to Jian's lying body without her knowing the cause.

She saw Jian's face which looked pale with lips slightly blue.

"Jian, what's wrong with you? Are you ill?" asked Nadine as she helped Jian sit down.

"I'm fine, I have to go, uncle Ardham and uncle Abay need me." replied Jian, trying to stand up yet, his legs unable to support him anymore.

"But you look very pale Ji, you should take a little rest." said Nadine while looking at Jian's body, which looked shaking, leaning against the car, holding his thigh with almost dry blood.

"My God Jian! "What's wrong with your foot? Did you get hit?" asked Nadine in a row, who had absolutely no idea that Jian's thigh had been hit, Moreover, Jian wore black jeans that couldn't be seen in the dark night.

"I have to go right away, can I have you please get some beer in the fridge." Jian said to Nadine while holding back the pain.