Nadine pensive in Ardham's room, staring around the wall of the room that holds a million memories.

Sad tears came back down Nadine's cheeks, which looked pale. The spirit of life to pass the days seemed to disappear.

There is no more Ardham figure who is always by his side at all times, at all times.

Ardham's signature deep voice with his cold smile, his gaze wistful when sulking, and his always spoiled and childish demeanor while holding back jealousy.

Everything rotates like a tape loop that never ends.

With a heavy heart and feelings that are so empty, Nadine calls Abay, who is already at Bintang beach.

"Uncle Abay, how about uncle? is there any new news I can't keep going like this uncle. I couldn't wait and just waited with no certainty about Uncle Ardham's news. Let me go there uncle?" Nadine said with a very tight heart.