After undergoing several examinations which Arya handled directly.

Ardham sat back in his chair, with Ayesha sitting beside him, and Keyra standing right behind him.

"How about Arya, are you able to explain the results of your examination?" Keyra asked seriously.

"From my examination, your sibling's amnesia is not permanent, so you don't need to worry." Arya replied, then turned to look at Ardham.

"If I may know, I should call you by whose name?" asked Arya to Ardham who was staring at him.

"Sir, don't you even remember your name?" Keyra asked Ardham.

"I don't remember at all, you can call me anything, you can call me Adien. I like the name Adien." Ardham replied in his trademark cold manner.

I don't know why Ardham just mentioned the name Adien, from the name of the woman on his ring "Nadine"

"Very good that name sir, is that name your real name?" Keyra asked, hoping Ardham could remember.