"Mr. Adien." Called Keyra out of her car again, when she saw Ardham lying on the roadside.

Ardham turned to Keyra after waking up from his reverie.

"What's the matter Mr. Adien? looks like you are looking for someone?" asked Keyra as her eyes turned around the street.

"Em...No Key ... let's get in the car." Ardham said without telling the rest of his heart, when he met Nadine.

Ardham got into the car, followed by Keyra who also got into the car.

"Man, after this how long it will take us to arrive at the service shop?" Ardham asked after sitting quietly in his chair trying to forget his meeting with Nadine.

"In half an hour, why Mr. Adien?" Hilman asked, glancing at Ardham's face.

"It's okay, I just want to get some quick rest. My head looks like it hurts a lot." replied Ardham who felt pain again after Nadine disappeared from his sight.

"We try to hope that the service shop can fix it quickly." Hilman said calming Ardham.