"Okay, I trust you Ji ... but be careful, don't let Ardham kill you because of his jealousy.." said Abay with a chuckle.

"Okay Uncle, let me manage .. I hope this therapy can restore the memory of Uncle Ardham." said Jian who really cared about Ardham and Nadine.

"Marvin!" Nadine called on Marvin who was seen walking towards her, after finishing her business with the head of the Social Service committee.

"Hi Nad, uncle Ardham .. nice to meet you back." said Marvin, hugging Ardham's back.

Ardham silently returned Marvin's hug.

"Uncle Ardham, this is Marvin, the son of aunt Bella, you remember that Aunt Bella was uncle's friend." Nadine explained to Ardham who was trying to remember something.