Returning from the police station in the city of Z, Keyra asked permission from Ayesha to take Marvin to Roya beach.

Marvin also said yes without being able to refuse Keyra's request.

It is the last few days when Marvin finds out that Ayesha and Keyra are living alone without parents, occurred in Marvin's heart a pride in Ayesha and Keyra who were able to live independently and solve all the problems in their lives.

It reminded him of Nadine, who had been living alone all this time.

I don't know what feelings clung to his heart, which Marvin must have felt eager to protect and protect Keyra.

Whether it's based on love or compassion.

Like today when Keyra asked him to accompany him to the beach, Marvin was unable to refuse, even though Marvin had plans to visit Ardham and Jian..

"Marvin, you've been silent, what's up?" Keyra asked in a sitting position on the beach after they were both at Roya beach.