"Yes, it's true what Ardham Ji said, you just wait for that woman to call you again, if she doesn't call you anymore, it means she just wants you to keep the sword." Abay said confirming Ardham's thoughts.

Jian was pensive listening to Ardham and Abay's words.

"By the way, isn't Haruhi Ji beautiful? Abay asked, intending to tease Jian, whose heart is still on Nadine.

"I think she's beautiful Uncle." Jian answered matter-of-factly without any expression.

"He loves you why don't you love him back?" Abay asked again curiously.

"I don't know, I just can't love her that's all." Jian answered looking at Abay a little irritated by Abay's question.

"Bay, instead of wanting to know Jian's feelings for Haruhi, now I ask you, how do you feel about Ellie? Still in love right?" asked Ardham the checkmate made Abay's mouth clenched shut.

Jian smiled at Ardham's words to Abay.