"It's okay, it's not you who want it, and there are still more days ahead." said Ardham, calming Nadine's heart as well as calming hisself down, who was still holding back his feelings of insufficiency that had not been channeled.

"I'm sorry, Dham." said Nadine again staring at Ardham's face, which looked tortured.

"Why do you have to apologize dear, come here, come closer to me." asked Ardham, who had forgotten his fever, which began to fade when he saw the fear on Nadine's face.

With guilt, Nadine leaned closer and sat beside Ardham who was leaning on his bare chest.

Nadine's heart was racing again, as Ardham tugged lightly on Nadine's shoulder then grabbed Nadine's head and leaned her on his sturdy shoulder.

"You know Nad, we are legally husband and wife, I ask you, don't you feel ashamed or afraid of me anymore, I promise you if you can't do it I won't force you, I'll be patient waiting for you." Ardham said, stroking Nadine's hair.