"I've never done it Nad, and I didn't want to disappoint you, so I asked Abay for some advice." Ardham replied embarrassedly.

"So now what should we do? Watch the video first, or do we do it ourselves?" asked Nadine, who began to understand what Ardham meant, not wanting to disappoint her.

"We just do it instinctively, honey? We do it according to our heart's desire, how about it, dear?" Ardham asked seriously.

"Fine, I'm up to you." said Nadine, who had returned to her comfort with Ardham.

"Where was sick earlier Nad, let me see." said Ardham who wanted to know how the result of his bite made Nadine in pain.

Without realizing it, Nadine also showed her slightly reddened nipples to Ardham.

With great interest, Ardham gently blew Nadine's nipples that were shown to him.

Nadine paused to feel a distinct sensation when Ardham blew her nipples gently.

"Dham." called Nadine with her eyes closed.