After several hours passed, Ardham put all his work and looked at Nadine who fell asleep on the sofa chair.

With Nadin in his office, Ardham thought he would introduce all his employees who did not know that he was married to Nadine.

With a deep sigh, Ardham walked over to Nadine, who was still fast asleep.

"Nad, wake up dear." Ardham said as he gently rubbed Nadine's cheeks.

Nadine slowly opened her eyes, and saw Ardham's face which was close to hers.

Ardham smiled when he saw Nadine who was looking at him full of love.

"Honey, come with me .. I'll introduce you to all the employees who are here." said Ardham enthusiastically.

Nadine, who was still not fully conscious, only agreed to all of Ardham's words.

A little tidying up her hair, Nadine was ready when Ardham took her hand towards the hall building which was at the top of itself.