MY Husband Cries Easily

"Dham, wake up." said Abay after a few minutes Ardham fainted.

"Where am I Bay? Where's Nadine? Frans? Jian? I must be dreaming." Ardham said sadly, his head still dizzy.

"Calm down Dham, you are in Nadine's room, Nadine is in your room, earlier she was conscious but fell asleep again after receiving an injection from Frans." Obviously Abay was sitting beside Ardham's bed.

"So it's true, Nadine fainted earlier, then Frans came, Frank checked Nadine and ... Frans told me that Nadine ... she was pregnant,..Bay !! Frans said that Nadine was pregnant with my child !! is it true Bay? I'm not dreaming right?" Ardham asked as he got up from his sleep and shook Abay's shoulder hard.

"Calm down my friend, calm down .. calm yourself down?" Said Abay calmed the panicked Ardham.

"I have to see Nadine now, I have to ask her, is it true?" Ardham said as he let go of Abay's hand which was holding his firmly.