Abay smiled back at Ardham's hug.

"Let's have fun with your early life guys." said Abay, holding Ardham in the middle of the dance hall.

"Listen all, after we have enjoyed an abundant meal of food, the event is still not over, we will continue to the second event, the dance party, There are several rounds of songs that you can request, but for the beginning of the dance, let's accompany the dance of our two brides Ardham and Nadine, please." Abay's voice was hoarse but heard by Ardham's friends.

The sound of romance music was playing silently with the song Beautiful girl filling the garden of Ardham and Nadine's paradise.

Ardham smiled as he approached Nadine and stretched out his hand.

"Dance with me pretty girl." Ardham said staring deeply at Nadine's flushed face.

Nadine accepted Ardham's helping hand with a pounding heart.

Ardham grabbed Nadine's waist with one hand gripping the soft fingers of Nadine's hand.