Challenge for the black team

[Akamura University]


It will be 1 week since the event. The school was already practically divided. With the sound of the break, both students on their sides were in different places, in this case the black team, those who had the black pieces, were already in the library room, after a very productive class. After all, everyone was very committed to winning Game of the Pieces.

Many were cautious in saying what piece they had. After all, a betrayal, although it was very difficult, because both wanted to win, it was not impossible.

Ellena, a beautiful young woman, with long straight hair, honey-colored, with a skin as white as milk, turns and tells everyone.

- It's great to see everyone gathered here, tell me, how many of you have already revealed your pieces?

At the same time of the question, everyone raises their hands.

- Very well, I am the Black Queen, my name is Ellena, for those who do not know me and of course.

Everyone is silent, while their arms go down. An interesting fact is that with the exception of one person, everyone was usually present at the meeting.

- Um, Ellena, Michael was missing again. - One of the students replies.

- It is true, he always misses - another increment.

- It is normal that he is always missing, after all, Michael and a hard-working boy. Even so, as our king, he always tries to talk to us through messages. He even sent one, just wait a little. - She keeps her back to the others, taking a letter from her purse. No boy could resist, not looking at the Black Queen's ass was practically impossible.

- Here, I found - She takes a letter and begins to read - all present, I am the Black King. All of you must know who I am, in this case, Michael.

She stops reading after being interrupted by one of the girls.

- Oh, I think Michael is a cat - she speaks a little loudly.

- I think he doesn't have all that morale - a boy says, with a certain envy in his voice.

- He's always number one in the room, class representative, his grades are high ... He's a dream - another replies, with her passionate tone.

- You two, you should shut up and pay attention to his order - Ellena says. Both girls are silent. - First order: Do not make unnecessary movements, do not face anyone.

Second: always walk with more than one individual of the team, thus, being able to circumvent the rule of refusing 3 requests for a game duel. After all, if a king appears challenging a top or something, the king may well make three requests for a duel. As you may know, if you refuse 3 requests for a duel, you will be required to play. So it's simple, instead of facing the supposed piece from another level, do internal duels with each other from the same team, thus avoiding the 3 denials.

Third and last: if they lose, out of idiocy or something, don't fight with each other, fights can lead to disqualification. So, be cautious in this part.

Ellena stops reading. Look at everyone and then say.

- You understood well, now you are free - Ellena keeps the letter, as soon as she stands up and looks back, notices the curious eyes of the boys. - What's it?

- Nothing, nothing - they disguise.

Meanwhile, at the diner, Michael was enjoying lovely freshly made lemon juice. He was a tall boy, with a lean and defined physique, black and shiny eyes, like the stars that live in the dark night sky, messy, black hair.

- Um ... - The same comes to think. He had already ruled out such an idea of ​​having team traitors. After all, betraying your team is the same as throwing everyone off a cliff, with a rope attached to them, so that, in any case, the person would also lose the game. Although he was still thinking about what would happen, if he did, he would bet with someone from the rival team, saying that if the guy gets lost he would have to follow the winner's orders. In a way it would be a great advantage.

The cafeteria was empty. Michael speaks softly to himself:

- So, it will be worth not showing up at meetings, because if what I just thought happens, the guy will know who I am, but he won't know where I am, because he can't have duels during classes. In other words, he will have to find me, as I am sure that no one on the white team knows that I am the king, so far, I have not had many duels, except for the pawns themselves. Since these lacking such intelligence, they think they are capable of defeating anyone, so I exclude the fact that they know that I am the king, they only came to face me because they do not know how to choose their enemies properly, so it is an irrelevant fact, more like a coincidence.

Even so, I am sure that if someone comes after me, or even begins to defeat the strongest pieces, I will know that to a traitor, or rather, a puppet.

He smiles, slowly gets up and heads for the living room, just as the bell rings. Michael and a very punctual guy on time.

Right at the end of the lesson, Ellena packed her things to go home, but found a letter inside her scholarship, its content was even more respect:

"I challenge you to an intelligence game, meet me at the gym, and go alone. -R.B "

Ellena couldn't stop smiling.