Déjà Vu

"Yo, are you serious? There ain't no way!"

"Uh-huh I swear! She was in his room and he locked the door! I heard all of it!"

"You heard what?" Their smiles and ignorant laughter disappear as they all turn to face me. The room fills with an uncomfortable silence as I wait for a response. "Are you fucking mute? I asked you a question."

"N- nothing sir. I heard nothing." He fidgets with the buttons on his shirt and looks down at his shoes.

"Did you miserable three at least do what I told you to earlier?"

"Yes boss, we did."

Good, one less thing I have to worry about. "Go pull the car round, we're taking her back."

"But sir, are you sure it's safe for her to go back?"

"It's only been a few days sir, I'm sure they'll still be looking for her."

"I swear to God, if I have to repeat myself I'll kill all of you on the spot. Fucking go!"

They hurry out the front door without hesitating. "Woah, what's the hurry?" I turn around and see her. I forgot she took out her braids so seeing her wear her hair down makes my heart beat speed up. "Are they going somewhere?"

"I- uh yeah, we're going back to town today." Her body stiffens up as she stares at me with a look on her face that I can't read.

"Back? Define back."

"I'm taking you back to your friend. I had my guys move your things into the new house that came with the job."

"Is it safe?"

"You'll be guarded and eventually trained like we discussed."

"What about you? Where would you be?"

I open my mouth to respond but the car honks outside. "Lets go, we've got a long ride ahead of us." She doesn't move from the stairs. "What is it Butterfly?"

"I don't know...Nevermind, we should go" She walks past me with a somber look on her face but I grab her shoulder and pull her in for a hug. Her body hardens up bit but after a few seconds she relaxes and hugs me back.

"I'll explain everything later mi mariposa. I just have a lot going on right now but I swear you'll get your answers soon. Just give me a little more time." I let her go and caress her face before heading for the car.


The whole car ride he kept glancing back at me. I have to sit in the back in between two men while he sits in the passenger's side but every few minutes he'll look up from his phone and stare at me in the overhead mirror. But that wasn't what was bothering me. Just what questions was he talking about and why did he hug me for so long? And why do I wish we could've stayed like that longer?

"¿A dónde la llevamos, jefa?"

(Where do we take her, boss?)

"Ella va donde yo voy."

(She goes where I go.)

We lock eyes by accident and I swear I almost see him smile. "You should know this by now. Now shut up." He looks back down at his phone. I wonder who he's texting. Is it that Lina girl from last time? Are they still talking? "Ugh, God!" I exclaim and they look at me.

"Everything alright Butterfly?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just kinda got lost in thought." I feel my face heat up as he looks at me. 'How embarrassing, I've gotta get a grip.' He turns back around and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Ever since the day he picked me up I've always felt so awkward around him. It's like I never know what to say anymore and even though I know he's trying his best to make sure I'm comfortable, there's still one thing that keeps gnawing away at me.


"¿Quién diablos está en la puerta?"

(Who the hell is at the door?)

"I didn't know you had a brother hyna."

My muscles tense up. "Brother?"

His cackles and claps his hands in amusement, "Did you not know he was stopping by?"

"I don't have a brother. Get rid of him."

He grins a twisted smile and rubs his hands together. "Happily." I leave through the back door and let him handle whoever it was that was out there.

'There's no way I was found out. Not now, I'm too deep to get caught up now." I duck through the back alley and hail a cab.

"Where to ma'am?"

"Just drive."

'I've been so cautious this whole time...' I start to panic and hyperventilate thinking about him again. 'There's no way he found me. Relax, you're just overthinking again. Breath in and out.' I calm my nerves and look at the window. The street signs we've been passing seem oddly familiar. A wave of uneasiness washes over me as I closer examine the drivers face. "Hey, where are you taking me?"

"Just drivin' around. Have you decided on where you want to go?" He starts to pull out of traffic and down an old road. One that's been closed of for years and the only people that come around are the junkies and street workers. He slows at a certain alleyway and it all hits me at once; I know this place...

"This...This is where I was kidnapped..."