
"Wha- What the hell? Ricky, you do realize that Kaz is gonna murder the both of us right?" I groan and run a hand through my hair.

"Whadda mean? She'll never know that I was even here."

"...When you said that you wanted to meet up I wasn't expecting you to bring the boys too. Are you okay? Is your brain functioning properly? Because there's no way in hell that someone would bring their infants to plan a fucking murder."

He rolls his eyes and sets the small boys inside of a playpen, that he definitely brought from home, then takes a seat across from me.

"Nonsense. My boys will surely face their fair share of problems, just look at who their father is. I say it's better to start them out young; Let em' get used to it that way they can survive on their own."

"Hehe... Estás loco de cojones, Ricky."

(...You're fucking crazy, Ricky.)

"Yeah, we've already established this. Now, back to more important matters: I need you to put a hit on someone for me."

I blink at him as he pauses. "Well? You gonna tell me who it is or what?" I ask impatiently.

"Listen, you may not like what I'm about to say but I need for you to understand that I will not tolerate lying. Liars are horrible and must be punished accordingly."

I shudder as his words ring loudly inside of my head. I knew how much he despised liars, that much was obvious.

"Yeah, I know that. Just tell me who it is, the suspense is making me anxious."

"The one that you fooled around with for a while. The Sanchez girl."

I freeze. "Catalina?"

"Mhm, that's her."

"Wh- What did she do? I'm sure there's a better way to deal with this-"

"No. She not only put Kaz in danger but the twins too. She has been lying this entire time and I refuse to sit and wait for someone else to handle her."

"...You mean that you want to kill her before Kaz can? Because you think that she's gotten too close and won't be able to do it?"

He tenses up at the mention of her name and frowns. "It's not that I doubt her abilities, I've seen for myself exactly what kinda damage she's capable of. But I know that she's grown fond of her. They see each other as close friends and that fact alone is a problem."

"I'm not sure what to do here man. It's clear that Kaz doesn't know that you're here which means that you're being sneaky and going over her head and unlike you I have some common sense and I know better than to go against her wishes."

"I'm not being sneaky and I'm not going over her head. I'm taking precautions and planning ahead." He leans back in his seat and a arrogant grin spreads across his face, "Pretty responsable if you ask me."

I groan at his behavior. This was a serious situation and he was just joking around.

"Ricky, have you even thought about what her family would do if you went through with this? You and Stefan have worked together in the past and even then he was cautious of you! You don't think that he'll kill you for killing his baby sister?!"

"I'm completely aware that he doesn't favor me. I don't care. If he's foolish enough to make me an enemy then I day go right ahead; Nothing I love more than someone who's willing to give me a good fight."

"But Ricky, he has-"

"Ella eligió mentir, así que tengo todo el derecho a matarla sin vacilación."

(She chose to lie, so I have every right to kill her without hesitation.)

"But you don't know her side of the story! What if she was being forced into doing it?"

"No estoy discutiendo contigo. Te he dicho lo que quiero que pase y espero que escuches,"

(I'm not arguing with you. I told you what I want to happen and I hope you listen,)

The frivolous smile he had was quickly replaced by a cold scowl. He moved off the chair and leaned down to grab his kids. With the twins in his arms and his back turn towards me, he looks over his shoulder and peers at me.

"Porque si no lo haces, te mantendré mi palabra y te pondré fin a tu vida."

(Because if you don't, I'll keep my word and put an end to your life.)

With those last few words, he exits the room and I'm left alone. Chills ran all over my body at his words, I knew the value that they held and that's what scared me.

"I should have never picked up the goddamn phone." I pull at my hair in anguish and sigh. This situation he put me in wasn't hard to decide; It was either her or me... That's an easy decision right?

"Ugh! If this is so easy then why the hell can't I decide?! It's not like I even like her, she's horrible!"

I chew my lower lips and pace around the empty room.

"Yes she's obnoxious, demanding, stubborn and an absolute bitch but she's smart. She always scheming and a majority of her plans have benefited me..."

I continue to walk back and forth with my fingers laced in my hair.

"What if she didn't have to die? What if she just disappeared? He never said anything about that." I smile to myself as a plan begins to form in my head. "Carlos my good man, you have out done yourself." I laugh and let my fingers detach from my hair.

"Wait! Was that Mr. H who just left?!" Nando peeks his head through the doorway with a disappointed frown. "And I had worked so hard to get everything ready..."

"We'll go catch him before he leaves. I'm sure he's around somewhere."

"Right." A look of determination settles on his features as he rushes after Ricky.

"Crazy man. Why would you ever be so kind to a man like him?"