While waiting for [Modification station] to popup, I decided to check if there is any function resembling sleep or hibernation, because it seems I am getting tired mentally even though not on the same scale as human. If my feelings are right, I could be awake and working for about five days to a week to get as tired as after a normal day as a human. This looks and sounds promising and at the same time extremely bad. How would i spend whole week doing something? I don't want to. I want internet! I want to read more, play games and don't work just to make place safe.
"And what will I do after it is safe? what is my goal? there is nothing interesting here. Only ability to create protoss..."
"But it is NOT the same as in the game, it is soo hard and slow. I wish they would be cheaper, and I would not have to do so much to get these FUCKING PROBES"
"AARGH" I shouted in my mind and became frustrated again as no sound was heard. I need to fix it asap, this is ANNOYING.
~after couple minutes of rambling, releasing anger and frustration~
[Modification Station] just got completed, nice. Time to go there and check it out!
The functions of it are astonishing. It is not limited just by some 'increase this' or 'increase that'. no no no, it is much more complicated and much, much better. But for now only increase this and that are available.
IT can do almost anything at later date, after upgrading it. But for now, sadly, it can not change me drastically. It can upgrade me in all ways, even make me bigger. SO to some specific stuff that I will certainly get soon.
[Engine lvl 0]:
-[Acceleration lvl 0]: 500 minerals (Increases how fast you can get to max speed)
-[Maximum Speed lvl 0]: 500 minerals (Increases speed limit)
-[Max Hovering Angle lvl 0]: 1000 minerals (Increases how steep)
-{Other stuff that I will not get for now}
[Shield lvl 0]:
-[Recharge lvl 1]: 500 minerals (Increases Recharge speed if not full. Works even right after taking damage)
-[Resistance lvl 1]: 500 minerals (Decreases damage recieved)
-[Toughness lvl 1]:500 minerals (Increases total durability of shield so it can take more damage)
-[Size lvl 0]:1000 minerals (increase maximum shield range, can be adjusted any time.)
-[Secondary Shield lvl 0]:10000 minerals (Adds secondary shield, right above the body. Weaker than outer shield. Receives all bonuses from normal shield upgrades )
-{Other upgrades are unavailable yet}
[Thrusters]: 1000 minerals (adds Thrusters that can increase speed in one direction. limited to only 1 direction. Have constant output.)
[Armor lvl 0]:
-[Resistance]:100 minerals (increases resistance of the body itself)
-{other stuff}
[Manipulators lvl 0]:
-[Density lvl1]:1000 minerals (increases their density. Will make them more resistant and sharp)
-[Length lvl1]:1000 minerals (Increases length of manipulators a little bit)
-[Quantity lvl1]: 10000 minerals (adds more tendrils to each manipulator circle)
-[Bonus Manipulator circles 0/2]: 100000 minerals (All other upgrades affect these too)
{Other stuff that will be added later}
"Ooof a lot to upgrade, what should be first? I think speed. Those Alligators scared the heck out of me earlier. After this it will be shield. Safety first."
And for safety, I would better not get out in the night.
~Morning comes, all hunters goes to sleep~
"FINALLY I can go outside. Now it is time to pull out those trees."
Deciding to dig out closest trees to my Nexus first I got to work.
As getting them with roots and a little bit of earth will give me more minerals, I Plucked them all with some earth. That took a little bit more time, but my robotic strength allowed me to just rip it out of earth like simple weed.
After a couple of hours of takign trees I decided to sell them and see how much I got, I did not count.
Result was pretty rich. five thousand minerals. And as it will be safer and easier to collect trees with faster movement speed, I decided to spend it all on it.
-[Acceleration]: lvl 0 -> lvl 5
-[Maximum Speed]: lvl 0 -> lvl5
Upgrade cost seems to be the same, but total [Engine] lvl seems to be unchanged.
Now, back to collecting.
After another half a day or so, Resulting transaction got me seven thousand more.
Those I spent on Engine too, as it seems to increase my collecting speed by quite a bit.
-[Acceleration]: lvl 5 -> lvl 10 (Max until Engine upgrade)
-[Maximum Speed]: lvl 5 -> lvl10 (Max until Engine upgrade)
This night I decided I would be watching while staying on the nexus as it is safe behind my lovely OP shield. And I think it was my best idea from the past couple of days. I saw Alligators in pretty big groups walking in the forest close to me.
After all of this my thoughts came to the point that I better put some protection for Nexus. Who knows when will Alligators or Centipedes decide to attack it. As they could not damage my shield with 10-20 of them, I suppose I could postpone with upgrading Shield. But Cannon would be awesome as if they attack all at once who knows how long it will take for me to kill them and they even might break through the shield given time.
After observing for a little bit I decided to get inside Nexus as it was kinda scary and they just keep watching.
After dawn I continued collecting closest trees right until the sunset. In total I got ASTONISHING twenty thousand minerals. WTF is this speed? AWESOME.
And right after this I decided to get [Main Photon Cannon], but for this it seems to require [Main Pylon]
So I got them.
[Main Photon Cannon]: lvl 0 -> lvl 1
[Main Pylon]: lvl 0 -> lvl 1
And I heard a sound of protoss buildings warping. Such beautiful and soothing sound for me. Sound of safety and protection. AHH.
After they Warped I decided to check them and it seems they hve their own upgrades, but I will postpone watching at them as It seems that someone decided to attack my Nexus as I heard photon cannon shooting, JUST IN TIME!!!
I got out and what I saw fucking surprised me. It seems getting photon cannon was the best choice of my new life. It was shooting at them for over a ten kilometer away. This range IS RIDICULOUS.
This night I enjoyed a show of destruction. Many trees fell, many predators died. And at the end of the night it seems they found out the range of fire. Smart species I would say. Too smart for my liking.
But it seems they won't be getting close soon. SO i decided to go and collect what was left of their bodies and fallen trees as it is still money and it is still fresh so it will sell for more.
In total for this destruction I got around two hundred Highly damaged Alligator Bodies, they got me around two thousand minerals. not bed, considering they were so damaged. But for the trees, not much only a hundred minerals. As expected.
All next days I just collected in the day. WHen i understood that sleeping, or hibernating for an hour a day is enough I slept at the night. But not for a whole night but only an hour or two after experimenting on optimal time.
~After some days, maybe a week or more~
Oof. I got [Drone Synthesizer lvl 0] and Started mass construction of probes. The first thing I did not expect was that they were much smaller then me. Is it me that big, or they are just that small?
I don't know but they look like half a meter in diameter. But I look like two meters in diameter. HUH. So, they would not be as effective as me...
Hmm. but who cares? they just cost 50 minerals each!!! MASS PRODUCTION TIME!!!
Hmm it seems that I need to build a Pylon, as after building a hundred it requires MORE PYLONS. hmm. Is this hundred from [Main Pylon]? hmm. good.
so I decided to build my first Pylon and see if price increases!!!
It did not. strange. But good. I build a little field of them. I need a lot of probes. I built 10 because For now I am limited. They all seem to have this white transparent color. Seems this is my color, huh.
Now, with 200 drones in the morning, as they were being produced for more then three hours, we got outside and began collecting trees. I was not collecting as much and stopped after a minute or two as It seems I got used to collecting them. Now let's wait and enjoy the view.
It seems to get one tree they need only two drones, even to get it out. But they are much slower then me. And it seems they need do bring them to the nexus that collects those trees. Hmm. It seems I better order them to collect them somewhere close to them and place trees inside of my inventory. it will eb much more efficient. And it was.
After a day of harvesting I got Hundred thousand trees and big empty space without trees. I better find if I can build something that can collect trees from them as after I get much more I can't be everywhere at the same time.
And after searching for an hour it seems Pylons have this modification. it is global and will increase their cost a little bit, as they all will get it, but it is easy and useful.
Research costed me twenty thousand and it increased Pylons price to two hundred minerals. Hmm. to place them outside of safety zone would not be best idea. I better get to working on to getting Units or cannons.
Hmm what should I get first? I prefer Cannons... Always liked to build them.
```Author's note```
``80+- words ``
Thanks for reading. Enjoy.
So units or cannons? What are your thoughts about progression? too slow? should I increase pace? or continue explaining basic functions of what is available and increase speed later?
If you can give any suggestions and recommendations - feel free. I am all ears. I want my Work to be better as I understand that is not that interesting yet.