It seems that I forgot to mention one crucial detail and ship is being changed a little bit, so we could lift off without any additional platforms, so, after about three days and addition of two more wings, closer to the Arbiter part, and some landing legs, I am finally ready to go to space.
How additional wings can enable us to fly up right from the surface? well, they can turn in any direction. yep. I can fly in any direction with max speed. And also it made Arrow part more stable while separated. Even though they had to remove part of one of the rooms.
3... 2... 1... GO!!!!
Woah woah, that is unexpected for me, what is this speed of lift off?
In literally a second, ship was outside of the planet's atmosphere.
And now that I think about it, I need to name it. Calling it planet is strange. Hmm, I will call it Earth. In memory of my past life. And laziness of thinking about something new. Aand, maybe a little bit of thoughts, but it doesn't matter.
For now, as it is not known to me, where exactly are we, I decided to go in to the general direction of inhabited parts of the universe. until we can understand where exactly are we. exactly. Not generally. Because even one mistake and we might die using light speed engine.
As we didn't have exact map of current place, pilots decided to use simple protoss technology and not light speed engine.
When they changed flight mode to their, our speed dramatically increased. It was not faster then light, but good enough for us to reach other planets in this system and finally be able to calculate our path.
But it still takes time to travel there, so if pilots are not wrong, it would take a week to get to, theoretically, known place from where they would be able to travel safely using maps they got from Pepegas.
The reason pilots declined my suggestion of using light engine to get there faster, is that they don't fully understand what problems could occur and they would better not take unnecessary risk.
Our ship had a lot of supplies to feed 21 person for a year, but it should be known that soldiers in protoss army are taught to not eat, because eating habit might affect their condition and even lead to losing lifes in dangerous situations. because of mental hunger, they might loose concentration or something like that.
It is much more complicated than that, but it is what I understood.
Even though I have robotic body, it did not make me know more or have better mind. Maybe my body is like those dragoons, person saved in a robot. huh.
As it will be a long flight, I decided to spend time with crew and try to know them, also I took one room for my little garden...
What? I've got new hobby. And what else would you do in my situation with all this time?
I don't want to learn something new, not interested in trying to get knowledge of protoss tech from smiths ( at least not anymore, it is kinda too hard and it will take too much time that I am not willing to spend on it ), I tried to imagine using force, but nothing happened and I just stopped, because I will need help for this, if I would ever be able to use it.
So, while taking with crew, I understood that they are not really all zealots, two of them are dark templars, two of them are high templars, and four of them are mainly zealots with knowledge of how to use other weapons. And the knowledge that I had, about them using only one weapon, is false. They can use any type of weapon that is not absolutely different from the ones they were taught.
When coming in contact with dark templars, I asked to show me their invisibility, and they just laughed and used it. They became absolutely invisible, not any kind of distortion like in the game. So cool!!
They also were using melee weapons because shooting would break their invisibility for a moment, and using melee allows them to be faster and quieter then with any kind of gun.
High templars were believers and had deep connection with their energy, all abilities they used were their own, or combination of their technology and mind abilities.
What actually surprised me, is that high templars are actually not just believers with good mind abilities, they are good and smart people. They often lead groups in fight.
Actually, it makes sense, they train to use their mind and not having a good brain at that, would be strange.
In that week, I began to know them better and finally found out that only geniuses of their forces came with me.
And they are mostly young, maybe except high templars, as their mind becomes stronger with time and training. There are rarely any young high Templar.
If there would be one, then that Templar would actually be so strong, that templars would be forces to train him harder and using all available high templars, as at the end of the training, his energy alone, most probably, will be comparable to their combined, if not stronger.
But it rarely happens. extremely rare stuff.
As we were getting closer to the point where we could jump using light speed engine, pilots broadcasted appearance of ships, so everyone began taking positions.
Pilots rushed to their interceptors, all others gone to take their battle gear and came to their assigned positions.
I just came to the pilots to understand the situation better.
When I came in, I saw that Fenix was already there trying to get in contact with their ships, but it was not working.
When I came in, pilots and Fenix just turned to look at me, and came back to their work.
" Fenix, what's going on? They are not responding? " I asked in a hurry, as I did not want to have space fight with enemy without knowing what their technology can do against ours.
" No, Executor, they don't respond, and they seem to begin to circle around us. They have three ships, but you don't have to worry, we will be alright" Fenix replied while trying to get on contact with those ships.
Right after this moment, I saw flash, and heard from the pilots that those ships began attacking. But I did not feel any vibrations from their shot. Shouldn't I feel it ?
" Send interceptors out to distract and destroy ships on the sides, and use main front cannon to destroy ship on the front." Fenix calmly replied, while enemy continued to shoot us.
And then I saw it, extremely fast shooting ion gun. I don't know how many shots it made in a second, but looking at it, not less then ten, or maybe even twenty.
I looked at this with fascination. Ion shots began landing on their shield, and literally in a second or so, shredded their shield and continued on to their ship, separating it in to two parts.
Very clean and fast work.
When I came out of it, i began looking on screens where I saw how interceptors dismembered other two ships. They did not even use side guns of our ship. Oh, wow.
" How much damage have they done to our shields? " I asked after getting out of small stupor from first space fight.
" Not much, twenty three points each, sixty nine in total out of one thousand three hundred thirty seven." One of pilots replied to me.
After this I talked with Fenix a little bit, and they began collecting leftovers from their ships.
Not much was left, as one of the ships exploded, and another one was shredded using main ion gun.
Also I found out that front weapon was not used on full capacity, as there was no need for that.
It seems they believe in their technology.
After collecting everything that was left and useful, we found space map that we could use.
And looking through it, Now we understood how to get to the closest place. And it was Rakata prime, also known as Lehon.
And from the knowledge we had from two data bases, it was not safest place. Just like any other place in outer rim.
"plan the route to the Rakata prime" Fenix said to pilots after looking on to the space map.
Pilots had to spend some time to plan couple of jumps, as it seems they were in not so good of a place to travel from.
"Start the engine! lets gooo!!" I Shouted in excitement, even though it lead to them looking at me. I don't care!!
``` Author's note ```
`` 110 +- words ``
` 1475 +- words in main story `
Hello everyone. Thank you for reading and try to enjoy, if you can.
For some time I was trying to look through the sw wiki and it is hard.
So much to try and understand, and so hard to try and do it.
Is there anyone who could help me with some sw knowledge? because just looking at wiki makes me bored and I will miss some stuff that might be crucial for the world.
In the next chapter I would be able to finally make protoss meet other species.
I expect a lot from myself.
P.s. update was to correct some spelling mistakes