Arrival and summoning.

The longer we travelled, the harder it was to keep Qui-gon unaware of our technological differences.

And at the point where we almost arrived at Rakata Prime, he saw one of DT's nano armor.

It intrigued him so much, that he began to ask everyone about it. even Aden, to whom he already apologized long ago.

And this apology came after he contemplated for a long time.

We even talked about this ability of theirs, and why was its use not banned or restricted like many other less dangerous force powers.

Qui-gon wad really quiet man, he prefers watching and thinking, instead of doing things.

That increased my opinion if him, as he began thinking more about what he was doing and reasons for his actions.

As time passed, we arrived at the orbit of Rakata Prime.

Now, this planet had few stations flying around the planet in synchronized orbits, and some kinds of energy tunnels were connecting them.

We docked at one of these stations, as it was the new rule.

Now there will be no spaceships on the planet itself, only specialised transport that would travel much faster in the atmosphere, without wasting resources on adding ability to fly in space.

For now, only around thirty six stations were placed around the globe. Each one of them had some resemblance to Mothership.

Each had a core, that could be changed, and each had small town on it.

There were no beam weapon to burn down the planet's surface on these stations, but they had pretty massive central guns that could release extremely strong energy discharges.

And this thing could interfere with all systems of any unprotected ships.

As for it's immediate destructive power? It could penetrate through almost any ship. Through the whole ship. But it was weak against shields, as it's energy would spread out across the whole shield and not concentrate all the power on one spot.

Obviously, these stations had a lot of simple psi cannons all across them, but as they needed a lot of space for docking, these cannons were spread out.

Each station had big inner and outer hangar platforms.

To get to the inner hangar, you would need to fly in from the side and proceed to the parking place that was provided to you.

Outer hangar, was placed on top of the station. It was used mainly for item delivery or anything not civilian oriented.

when we landed on the station and left the hangar, what met us was park with trees and shops at the sides.

They even managed to create sustainable ecosystem in here. wow.

As we walked through all the checks, we decided to not spend too much time here, and we went straight to the orbital elevator, that transported us at the surface in no time at all.

As station's position was calibrated extremely accurately, it was always positioned above one of the cities, so we decided to go to the new capital.

But as we were going to the transfer gates, Qui-gon's stomach said that he wanted to eat.

So, we went to the closest restaurant and waited for him to eat.

As for others from the crew, they all went to deliver things, information or reports.

Now that I was alone with Qui-gon, I decided to talk with him.

" So, how was it, did you like our travel? " I began, while waiting for Qui-gon to choose his order.

" Yes, your race is so different from any that I know, you use technology never seen before, you don't eat, don't breathe, and you have some kind of strange power that is different from force. " He said, after he finished making an order. He chose what I recommended.

Pizza, Cola and pasta For now, I decided not to show him other cuisine that was brought from my previous world.

" This is so marvelous, there are so much unknown in the universe. And here I thought that I knew a lot about universe. Oh, how wrong I was." He replied, while sitting more comfortable and taking off his outer robe.

" Yes, you should take it off. It is pretty warm in here. " I said, while looking at his robe being worn out and old.

" You should get yourself something better then this" I said, pointing at robe that he placed to his right.

" It is ok. Jedi don't need many possessions" He replied, making himself more comfortable and finally finding good position.

" Doesn't matter. I will get you one later, as you will represent our planet's jedi temple." I said as pasta was delivered to him.

" Dig in, other food will arrive soon" I said, as Qui-gon waited for waiter to bring all other food.

" Mm this is tasty, what was this pasta called? " Qui-gon asked after biting into it.

" Carbonara. pretty simple dish, hut very tasty. isn't it? " I said.

" Yes, it is. I tasted something like that in my travels, but thus is somehow different " He said, while eating pretty rapidly.

"I see. that is good that you enjoyed it. " I replied.

As we talked, food was being eaten, came the time for us to leave.

" Ok, let's go. " I said, standing up and moving to the exit.

" Wait, we didn't pay. " Qui-gon said, while trying to take credits from his robe.

" See this? " I showed him bracelet on my hand.

" This is the way you pay here. No need for physical money. digital is enough." I said, while covering it again with my sleeve.

" Oh. But is it safe? there are a lot of ways to cheat with things like that. " He said, getting up and going after me.

" No, not using this thing. As our technology is different from yours even on basic things, it is impossible to cheat. " I said while we were leaving through the exit.

As we walked to the transfer gate and talked about irrelevant things, gates appeared in our view.

And as gates were being used all the time, there were hundred small to large gates out there.

Some were used for people, some for machinery or delivery.

These gates were just warping platforms of different sizes.

As continuous gates that would warp anyone partially like in anime were ridiculously farfetched dream, simple method was used.

As there were a lot of people using these gates all the time because of their speed, there were more gates being built all around the city, as placing them all at one place would be stupid.

" How is this possible? " Qui-gon asked, after I explained where we were going to.

" Well, you guys have hyperdrive and can travel in there, why can't you just decrease the size and distance if these jumps? especially with stationary points " I replied.

There were hundred entrances and exits, and before warping confirmation was being done, so people would be moved away from warp points.

" They would due without special protection generators " Qui-gon replied.

" Well, not in our case. Anything more you should ask someone who knows more about their inner workings" I replied, as it was our turn to warp.

" Prepare for your first warp " I said, looking at him when we walked on to the beacon.

* Whoosh * * Tziiink*

" We arrived,fast isn't it" I said to him after less then a moment of traveling time.

" Yes it is. " He replied, looking at buildings of our special architectural preferences.

" Yes. they even look different from what you are used too. And from anything you've ever seen, I suppose. " I said.

" We are not from here, so we were not affected by your galaxy's popular designs or mainstream technologies.

As it was faster flying to the central building, I called for a ride.

As it was a peaceful place, modified version of Phoenix arrived. As it landed, its wings came inside tge hull, and door opened on the back. It was without weapons, but with enough of comfortable space for us. And a lot of luxury things too.

I don't know why they sent something like that, but I'm not against that.

" you first, it won't be long ride " I said, making him get in first.

It took almost no time for us to arrive at our destination, where I left Qui-gon to the staff.

Staff would lead him to the Fenix and Council. They would decide everything out there.

Yes, today. Why should it wait?

And I will be checking out our own Jedi temple.

I ordered for it to be done even before we began to fly in it's direction.

As it would be representing our planet, it was made pretty big. And let me tell you, it was really looking good.

As for closest future there would be not a lot of force users in there, only three top floors would be used.

Others would be used by staff.

There were floors with hangars, floors with living rooms, training facilities, learning facilities, and many more.

All done in exquisite protoss way.

Each floor was ten meters in height, so medium sized robots could be used inside.

All the walls were made from standard protoss metal that was manufactured in newly built factory.

As this metal was strong enough to hold against spaceship's weapons while being extremely thin, it was pretty durable for a building.

After looking a little bit at temple, that would be modified if needed, I went to the council for more detailed information concerning our intrusion in 'protected' part of the galaxy.

When I went in, Qui-gon was still there, talking with some council members.

As I got closer to Fenix, I finally spoke.

" Hello. How are you? What is the situation with Qui-gon. What was the decision? how will he have to apologize? "

" Welcome back, I'm fine, but it was tiring month as we were negotiating with republic about our planets. In Resulting negotiation with them and previous government of these planets, it was decided that we will keep only one planet under our control. On the other planets we are allowed to have one city with embassy. " He said.

" Who knew, that this zone was protected by their law. If only Republic didn't have so much power in this galaxy. We wouldn't have to bear this insult." Fenix replied, annoyed at current situation.

" As for the Qui-gon, he already apologized to us, and we don't need to make this anything harder on the one who will represent Jedi on our planet to be disgraced like that. At least publicly. He showed enough remorse about this subject. He is now talking about what he will be doing in the temple. " Fenix finished, motioning at Qui-gon and Last council member that was still talking with him.

" So, you finally made yourself a body? " Fenix asked, as we didn't talk much as of late. especially being thus far from each other.

"Yes, I finally decided that even without feeling anything, I should have humanoid body. Probe's body is just not to my liking.

" Oh, so you don't feel anything? System is still working on it? " Fenix asked as we decided to go to the Nexus, as Fenix needed me for something.

" Yes, system have many things to do, not only to complete my requests. " I replied, remembering our talk.

" So, what do you need me for? I thought I gave you full access to the Nexus? " I asked.

" We saved some resources and wanted to call for some more heroes. They would help us a lot. Also, we need a preserver. As only preservers can read through the Khala and find some of our old technology. " He said.

" Even though, our Khala is somehow different, we can feel it, but only preservers can find the differences. " He said.

" Preservers? who are they? And what is Khala." I asked, not knowing what he is talking about.

" oh. yes. I always forget that you don't have access to it. Khala is our connection. Connection between all the protoss, and this os where we share emotions and memories. This is where we go after our deaths." He said.

" And preservers are the only ones who can look through the whole Khala and search through it efficiently. " Fenix finished, making me think of it as shared internet with benefits.

" Interesting. Can I join in to the Khala? " I asked.

" No, you can't if you want to still be yourself. It will affect you much stronger then protoss, as you are not biological being. " System replied instead of Fenix, as Fenix didn't know the answer.

" I see. then it's ok. I still want to be myself. " I replied, an received only questioning look from Fenix.

" Nevermind, system replied negatively to my last question. " I said.

" I see. That is sad. " He replied.

" Doesn't really matter. So, how much did you collect in last half a year that I was away? " I asked.

" We were leaving 5% From total Nexus trades for this. And began using more of existing materials from this galaxy, so after four months it increased to 10% of total trade." He replied.

" So, around one and a half million of minerals and two hundred thousand vespene? Weren't prices for heroes in millions? " I asked.

" Yes, around that. And yes they were, but with time price was lowering down and now we could summon around five to seven heroes of protoss for these money. " He said.

" System why did the price change? " I asked, as we arrived at Nexus and entered it, walking to the control panels.

" I assumed that protoss would require help from legendary people, so I spent some time onto locating optimal time and space position from which they should be summoned. As locations are at best span solar systems and a month of time, a lot of energy is needed to locate them faster. For some of them, Recreation is needed, so they would require a lot more." System replied, as always answering my next question again.

I see.

" So, you need a preserver and who else? " I asked, looking through the panel.

" It was decided that we would need Karax, Selendis, Tassadar, Zeratul and Artanis. " Fenix replied.

" Okay, lets see" I said and began searching.

[ Grand Preservers ] :

Rohana : 500k minerals, 110k vespene

Orlana : 2.3m minerals, 500k vespene.

Shantira: 6.2m minerals, 1.39m vespene

[ Heroic figures ] :

Karax: 303k minerals, 10k vespene.

Selendis: 247k minerals, 3k vespene.

Tassadar :6.9 Billion minerals, 690 million vespene.

Zeratul : 567k minerals, 69k vespene.

Artanis : 333k minerals, 5k vespene.

" Woah, we can't afford them all. And why is Tassadar costs so much more then anybody else? " I asked.

" Fenix, we can get Rohana, Karax, Selendis and Artanis. Or we could instead take Zeratul instead of two of legends." I said to Fenix.

" Ok. Get us Rohana and Karax for sure. and I think Zeratul for now. We will get enough for Artanis and Selendis by providing more resources soon. " Fenix said.

" Ok, here we go " I said, and chose them to summon.

As they were being summoned, I asked system why was Tassadar so different from others? Considering he is in Billion.

" Tassadar is a special case. He could use Void and Psi energy at the same time, before his death. Also, he was destroyed by his own powers, so he is much harder to locate and recreate. His body need to be modified and recreated to hold both energies. All these tasks were priced based on the difficulty." System replied.

" So, could you please orient on finding him instead of other heroes? others are already pretty affordable compared to before. " I asked.

" This can be done, bug it will take a very long time, much more then making you be able to feel the taste. " System replied.

" It is ok, someone who can use both powers would be extremely important for us. Especially as it could help protoss in understanding how to combine them. " I replied.

* Whooshnnnn*

Oh. Summoning finished.

" Welcome to your new home! " I said.

" Where are we? What is going on? Fenix? Is it you? " They said. And last line was said by Zeratul.

" Yes, old friend, it is me. In flesh and blood. "

" How? " Rohana asked, not understanding the situation.

" What how? " I asked.

" Eh? why do I think of following you? Who are you ? What is going on? " Rohana asked, confused more then anyone else.

" Hmm. interesting. Rohana, uou can get all the information from Khala, try to connect with it." I replied.

" Isn't it destroyed? " She asked, trying rto do it, and succeeding.

" Marvelous. How marvelous. " She said, immersing herself in it.

" So, it happened. huh? " Zeratul said, looking at me with serious eyes.

" What happened? " I asked, confused.

" Destruction of our galaxy. And our total annihilation. And a new beginning. " He said.

" So, you saw it happen? " I asked, surprised.

" I felt the possibility of our survival. But I could not believe it. It was impossible to imagine. " He said.

" You knew? " Karax joined in to the conversation.

" I was not sure. It was too hard to believe in such a possibility. A possibility of us ..." He said, without finishing his talk.

" Sorry, I can't remember the exact visions, but they were based on the possibility of us travelling in to other dimension. Absolutely different. Not so distant, but extremely far from us. Not reachable by anyone, but in the hand's reach. " He said, making everyone wonder.

" And yet, it was made possible. This is very good " He said, calming down.

As old friends came to life, they began talk about their past and what they missed.

When the talk began about our current universe, Rohana finally awakened and joined in.

" I see. Our race is saved. " she said.

" Yes, but not extremely safe. We are in a world where danger is on every step" Fenix said.

" And we need to keep ourselves low as long as possible. To not attract too much attention when we are not yet ready" Rohana said.

They talked about many things, universe, repopulation, future action and much more.

For now, the main goal was decided to be warping as much surviving protoss as possible, and postpone using Nexus's resources for other things such as creating better materials, technology and stuff.


``` Author's Note ```

`` 60+- words ``

` 3041 words in chapter`

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

I decided that word number for chapters would be at least 3k, as I created patreon.

Give me ideas or tell me if I am wrong at some points.

I have my won ideas, but I can always accept new interesting ideas.
