bad choice and happiness

Well. I thought Qui-gon was smarter... but he spoke with Jedi about my suspicion. And these news reached Palpatine, who decided to use his powers as chancellor to make our lives harder. Now, Qui-gon was ordered to get back to main temple, and Rakata's temple was abolished.

Jedi even tried to take kids to their main temple, but it didn't work out for them. I strictly refreshed information available to our council about future, so we had to keep these kids on our side, and we would train them ourselves.

We were ordered by Senate to give them up and apologize for slandering, what was not done by us, but who cared?

As situation escalated, orders were changed and more people were needed for possible war.

As Palpatine was already influential, none of our tries to redeem ourselves worked. And now no one was allowed to trade with us, at least people who are under their control.

In a month Palpatine made protoss - enemy of the Senate, and we now could only be seen in outer rim, as every time we moved to their territory, we were being attacked or ordered to leave.

Fck. I was too childish, thinking that this will not happen. From now on, I will try to be more careful. And thing about worst possibilities.

As we were now enemy of the republic, we attracted positive attention of their enemies, what gave us a possibility of making some very good deals.

Mandalorians, hutts, sisters of the night, and many others heard about us and our advanced technology.

Hutts, unlike others, try to intimidate us by using their army and blockading space around our planet.

And this was annoying. We had enough firepower to destroy thus blockade, bur it would leave us more vulnerable to the Republic. So, it was decided that we would trade using warp outposts, and ignore their blockade for now.

Until it would be safe to use Nexus as an attacking ship.

For now, Nexus is used on the planet and is needed there, not in the space.

This situation, that was escalating extremely fast was pushing on to my conscience. In three months I would finally get my normal income back, and it seems I will have to give it to council for better use, as for now I won't be able to do anything good by using it.

Argh. and here I hoped for good and peaceful times, only to be ruined by my own hands.

Jedi are against us, trying to convince us to give kids to them, peacefully for now, Republic thinks of us badly, Hutt clan is trying to make us their underlings, Palpatine and other Siths are still searching for their students, most probably to kill them. So no more then information would be leaked...

Argh. I am so tired. I better do something, at least about Hutt clan.


A thought came to my mind, what if I take my Arbiter off from the Ardis, and begin destroying enemy blockade using guerilla tactics.

But first I should consult Fenix, I already made a mess, for now I would prefer to talk and think first.

As I decided to visit Fenix, I decided bot to warp and walk on the streets. As Rohana was appointed as new 'Jedi' temple head, now known as just Force temple, and Fenix should be now there, at least should, I decided to look at what kids, that were brought here, were doing.

As I bypassed the entrance of temple's territory, I saw kids playing with pseudo light sabers and throwing stones at each other.

This looks much better then before, they look like they are having fun.

I even heard someone laugh. good.

No need to hold all emotions back.

As for the whole time Qui-gon was here we were watching him, we now have some documents and things about how Force works.

At least it should be enough. The things about keeping emotions under absolute control, about there being only two sides to the force were abolished as it is dumb idea that only leaves two possibilities for them.

Force could be used efficiently only with training, like any other thing. So, it should not be limited to only two sides.

Well, as kids are mostly orphans, or we brought their families with us, so they weren't really against staying in here.

Especially as we provided them with place to live, all the necessities, education and even teach them to use the force.

The best thing about Jedi, is that they are arrogant and it is pretty easy to steal information from them. They don't even think about this possibility.

In the last weeks, I gave my Arbiter to the Fenix, and using it's small size and amazing firepower, he made big disturbances in Hutt's siege. Especially in their motivation.

After a week of Siege, and a few days of active harassment from Arbiter, Hutts tried to attack Rakata's fleet. Let's say that it failed miserably.

They only found out about army that is on standby around the planet, so they attacked with Ten groups of thousand medium spaceships, and uncountably more small ones. Also, each group had three destroyers that were feared across the galaxy as they were one of the biggest and strongest ships available.

As their army came closer to our guarding force, they attacked without even trying to negotiate anymore.

As they were coming from all sides, with only ten main massive groups and some small groups all around the globe, our army was spread thinly. In their opinion, one sided slaughter should've happened, as only around hundred carriers, that even though were pretty big, were not enough.

As Hutts began closing in, Our defensive protocols were enabled, and enormous shields supported by space stations was spread out. All the random shots that were shot, were easily stopped.

And as Hutts began concentrating their forces on smaller points, in hopes of breaking through the shield in some time, Our army that was based on Earth began warping in.

As Shields were beginning to weaken, Tempests began appearing one after another, behind the shield's protection.

One after another, hundreds upon hundreds, coming up to three thousand Tempests all around the planet.

Considering size of the planet, it was not looking much, but considering that three thousand artillery units appeared behind the wall, and enemy was concentrated in ten groups, it was scary.

Three hundred Tempests for each group that decreased distance between each other in hopes of destroying shields with concentrated fire and begin fighting.

And As they all warped, annihilation began. But not the annihilation Hutts planned for, but the annihilation of attacking army.

As protoss didn't want to show all the army, they decided to use only the artillery. And to intimidate the Hutt clan, all the available resources were used to produce Tempests.

For now, they fled, but toy knowledge it is far from their full army. They just sent one group as we were not seen as dangerous.

Well.I hope it will not get down to war of pride, and they will just back out not willing to spend too much for this war.

" Fenix, why didn't you follow the fleeing ships? " I asked, as half of attacking force fled, even though they were not in best condition.

" I didn't want to risk, as there is a chance that Hutt would send Annihilation squads consisting of artillery ships made for destruction. I did not want to fight unprepared. So, I just fought them off and let them heal their wounds" He replied, looking through the documents on his screen, and lifting his head just for a moment.

" I see, what do you think is awaiting us from their side? And how would we get ot of this situation. Barely anyone is trading with us, as Hutts And Republic prohibited it." I asked, looking at the recording of the battle, made from one of the observers stationed around the system.

" We are still trying to negotiate with them, now we just need to wait and be ready to defend. Ugh" He said tiredly, as he and Artanis are busy at ordering and coordinating everything in this war.

Obviously they have helpers, but it is still hard on them.

~ After half a year from start of the blockade ~

I now can taste the Food! And smell it, as these two senses are connected. For other senses I will gave to wait, but now I can take less from total resource conversation to Nexus.

Previously I was taking 50% , but now It looks too much in my opinion.

Even though protoss are now mostly use globally available resources, there are still many things needed. We are still at conflict with Republic. So, I lowered my piece of cake to 20% until war ends.

With Hutts, on the other hand, we are negotiating. After couple of battles, they decided that it was not worth it. And for now, they ask us to provide them with stationary shields, that were used to cover the whole planet.

At first they tried getting warp technology, then other stuff, but finally they agreed to us providing them service of installing and sometimes operating ships, stations and some other stuff.

So, we would provide them services a little cheaper, then to others, and they would make big orders for these services.

And we agreed to this, as they would be unable to hack or even copy our technology, as it was extremely different from anything they had.

We even made tests, tried hiring many professionals in stealing tech, scientists, hackers, thiefs, but they couldn't find a way to copy or steal our technology or items.

Protoss tech always include simple AI that would prevent any possibility of unauthorized access, and would alert us if someone would try.

As now I had access to taste and smell, began time of torture.

In the first day of it being enabled, I tasted air and felt all the dirt, fog and smog in the air. Even though we were cleaning the air from it's previous bad state, it was not yet completely clean.

On the second day, I tried eating pasta, it was tasty until I added a little bit of salt. Salt was so strong, that I screamed from the pain it brought.

After a week, feeling of taste and smell was almost calibrated, and all the bad things that I could smell or eat had a limit to their putrid nature. Now, standing in front of the pile of shit I would barely smell it. In the process of making a limit to it, I regretted a lot of times.

As to calibrate, I had to feel it. And let me say, heightened senses ate overrated. In the beginning I felt like puking from Hundred meters from it, as air was blowing my way and all the smell was brought to me.

It was awfully disgusting.

But now system made adaptive system and now It limits all the excessive feelings.

And it even calculates from where smell or taste comes from. It is useful.

As system had no direct access to holo net and could not create an avatar for itself, There were people who took information from it and gave it to the system.

And now, I would be able to feel all that is possible for human and know where it came from.

As for the other feelings, they will come with time and modification of the body, as it would need sensors all across it.

As simulation of taste and smell was connected to other feelings too, I wouldn't have to wait too much for them.

Maybe up to three or four years.

~ One random morning after a week or two after stabilization of senses ~

" Ahh, how I missed this smell of baking. Ahh. " I said, sniffing the air while getting close to the factory where I ordered many things to be made.

*Sniff * * Sniff*

"Ahh. I want a donut. And a Cola. Ahh why didn't I read or watched a video about them, I only know that Donuts are made from dough and placed in hot oil. " I said.

A week ago, I ordered to begin trying yo make donuts and cola, explaining what I knew and how they tasted like.

" Sir, It would be easier if you just let System download your knowledge of things into the public part of system, it would allow you to share all the knowledge that you ever knew. " Helper said, as one of his android bodies walked with me to the factory.

" Wait, it is possible to remember everything? " I asked.

" No. not remember, it would make your psychological situation unstable. We can get all the information from your past and it would only be accessible from system. You would be able to look into it " Helper said, just in time... Only if I could do it before I met Palpatine...

" Should've told me about it earlier... " I said, looking at helper, who stopped and looked at me.

" You never gave a reason for me to speak about it. " He replied, knowing that it would've helped much earlier.

" Well, then load it and search all information that I ever knew about food. All the description on the bottles that I ever saw, all the things that I ever heard about it. I crave for Pepsi Light and a Donut. " I said, coming into the factory to look at their progress.

" on it. " Helper said, and went into the factory with me.

After looking and tasting over hundred variations of donuts, I didn't find the memorable ones. For now, they lacked the softness, sugary taste and fillings.

As for why I could eat so much, all the food I eat is being converted into energy and is saved in batteries installed behind the ribs.

These batteries are made from unknown to protoss material, it was brought from system just to get a weapon that would release extremely strong discharge at once. And these batteries could be unloaded in a moment, so they were ideal to use with my new cannon.

Yea, I called my weapon a cannon. It takes all the charged energy in to itself and releases it in one wide shot or ray.

on maximum load, it can push light sabers blade with such a power that person holding it would fly away with it for at least hundred meters.

Not fully loaded, it would just spread out and unblocked part of the shot would just move to the target.

It is like thousands of small shots in one.

This cannon could be called Light Saber annihilator. It would destroy the handle of the saber if you try to block its shot. So evasion us the only choice.

Sadly, siths just like Jedi could evade or protect even from hundreds of shots from all directions, using force prediction and unnaturally fast reflexes.

And to release a lot of shots at once, that would not target closest energy source by being attracted to it, would need insane release of energy. And only ships could provide it, or heavy tech.

So, I bought these small energy accumulators, or cells to use this weapon.

For now, I have ten big cells. Each cell can support two full powered shots.

And while I am on the territory covered by Protoss energy field, I would be able to fill one cell in a minute or so. And as cells are used at the same time, so they would be recharged faster, I am practically have heavy artillery with infinite ammo.

The only downside, is that they load slower then many others, but their main goal is to release, not to charge fast.

~ After a few weeks and providing my knowledge to chiefs~

" Ahh finally this awesome taste. Pepsi Light. ahh." I said, hugging the barrel with a drink.

Yes, I took a barrel with me. As now I am not getting tired or used to tastes like before, I would be able to enjoy it even more the before.

" Why do you like it so much? " Aden asked, as he was driving the truck with drinks and foods to the shop that I opened. Just to spread this beautiful thing. Ahh.

" It is my favourite drink. It is tasty as fck " I replied, drinking from the barrel using long straw.

* Sip sip sip *

I drank while enjoying it's heavenly taste that I craved after my sense of taste returned.

Why didn't I want it before it? Is it some strange psychological thing?

Doesn't matter.

As my shops wouldn't just sell pepsi and donuts, all the things that I ate in my previous life were being remade.

For now, Cola, pepsi, donuts, pizza that I introduced earlier but it was now finally the same as I remember, pasta, milkshakes, cocktails ( alcoholic and not ), sandwiches, were made.

Some things like tea, Kvass, coffee, pies with different tastes were being worked on.

~ Two months later ~

The result is that i opened food shops all over the planet. They had food from my previous world, and it was something new for all the population.

Based on methods of creation of these things, my chefs began trying to make new things that I remembered, but only the taste.

Coffee was still not available, as coffee seeds were not found yet.

Tea was found recently, on one of planets with a lot of green life.

As tea trees were different from just trees, it took time to find trees resembling them.

with time, they would be modified for better taste and such, as it seems I saw a documentary about tea in the past.

Didn't remember it at all.

About coffee I too watched one, but it was complete knowledge.

As for the fruits and berries, Many new types were easily used, but they began trying to breed new species to simulate taste known to me.

It was a good idea to provide with all the knowledge. How nice.

And protoss were obviously provided with more detailed information about SW universe, they even watched the movies themselves.

They were really conflicted at first, but after thinking they decided to make peace with republic before it becomes Empire, as Empire would be bad enemy. And as Palpatine was already our enemy, we would need to kill him before he becomes emperor


Big thank you to [ Grey Knight ]

For supporting me on patr eon


``` Author's note ```

`` 58+- words ``

` 3079 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading and, enjoy if you can!

This chapter was needed, and it might've been too sudden, but it was necessary and realistic.

Well, I cut some corners, but I hope it is fine.
