Existential crisis and peaceful life... for now.

Ok. Humans are ridiculous.

They are scared of me and monsters at the same time. Thankfully, it is only a minority, but nonetheless, it sucks to be human.

Getting inside, I took out light blades and turned them on, leaving my army to establish new station down here. It is going to take a lot of time to clear this place out, and I can't just destroy it in one big explosion in case something escapes or survives.

I already sent many groups to look around destroyed city in case something goes out.

AI even began closing rivers and sky in case something goes through them. Obviously, I can't be sure if anything passed through already, but let's hope for the best.

After looking at the radiolocation - based map, I went in to the monster hive, being followed by couple of flying cameras that were even flying inside the tunnels and showing what is inside. Obviously these cameras were protoss flying tech. They might be unable to shoot, but they were small and invisible.

They couldn't really scan much around themselves at fast speed, so they had to slowly progress through the tunnels.

Obviously, as my factories were producing all more and more cameras, Site on which translation was broadcasted had new section with map.

It was expanding and helping me in getting through.

Ok. Back to me.

Getting inside the infested zone, I met four legged beasts rushing at me with mouths wide open, yes mouths. Not one, three for each at the very least.

Evading first one I cut through him like a butter and proceeded to decimate everything else, leaving few heated and melting scratches on the wall while killing some of them. I didn't use my psi energy to attack as I was trying to get better with weapons while I can, especially close ranged ones.

Obviously, I didn't push psi energy concentration while doing it, I just had to concentrate on evading and attacking, as these guys were not ending. Unlike games, they were arriving at insane quantities. Quantities that were enough to push army throughout the city.

As I didn't progress a bit after a while, I decided to take out energythrower and as I was switching my weapon, one of ceiling crawling guys tried to bite my head.

He was not successful and met my fist to the side of it's head, throwing it's body in to the wall and crushing it's skull. Yep. I could fight with my hands, but it would be too slow.

Getting ready to fire, I was covered by monsters who couldn't even bite through the skin. As I began firing, I felt the smell of burning flesh and steel. I accidentally burned through the wall, as I turned to the side while hitting ceiling crawler.

Some guys bypassed me while I was not shooting, but after I started, nothing could stop me. For five meters in front of me I could see energy based fire, that should be called plasma.

It burned everything in front of me, even walls were getting heated, making me rmove forward not to melt them all.

As I walked forward, I was being filmed. All the blood was not censored, even asian and german versions were not blurred or pixelated.

Yes, countries tried stopping me. Nothing worked. Even the family that rules above the government couldn't do anything. They just couldn't defeat AI that was thousands years more advanced.

Yep. I couldn't be stopped from streaming as I wanted in my first life on twitch.tv/Muraveyy...

Yea, it was fun looking at people comments and how they even though about it as a game. Some couldn't believe that what they saw is truth, they thought that it is a new game that came out.

Thankfully, it was a minority, and mostly people were taking it seriously. Obviously, it brought panic and troubles to the countries, but if this thing gets out, they all will die. Better for them to do anything now, instead of dying because nothing was done.

Obviously, AI tried to affect public opinions. It partially worked.

Theories and reality works differently. At least in some parts.

Getting to the first cross section, I placed a shield on the floor, blocking this path, making them break through the wall and continue around me to the exit.

Activating invisibility, while being on the main screen I decided to go deeper and find the source, otherwise it will never end.

Yep. I showed the world that I can go whoosh.

After a while, following the route created by cameras, I entered huge hall, where I could see cocoons upon cocoons with monsters inside. But it was not the thing that surprised me. It was the source of these cocoons. A human. A perfectly normal looking human, at least higher half of it.

Bottom part was connected to the mass of flesh and spreading out to every direction.

This person held a phone and was watching stream of mine. And from what I heard, he was speaking with someone who said him to escape, but he declined.

He didn't want to run and now they were arguing.

Getting closer, I could see that this person was not half human. he was totally not human anymore. Normal eyes might've been unable to see, but I could see that that person was not stuck inside the flesh pile, or even connected to it. He WAS the flesh. And as periodically some beings were getting out of the cocoons and rushing out, I decided to pluck him out of there.

Getting close to him, I appeared behind him and just ripped him out from everything else, leaving his upper body and a huge piece of flesh instead of his legs. And let's me say it. I had to be careful, as I didn't want to touch his dick. Literally. It was out and shown on the stream.

As I lifted him up, he screamed. Flesh tried reconnecting to the host and grew up at insane speed in his direction, but I activated shield and didn't let it reconnect.

Locking him using psi energy and burning his growing legs, I took out temporary shield and using AI to control it, closed this person inside it, not letting it do anything.

Yes, I locked him. Not killed.

After that, as I took out small pylon crystal from my storage, some of my robots began warping in. As they were warping, I was burning all the flesh that tried to reconnect to it's host. Even monsters began rushing only at me and at the host. Host, while being locked, tried to grow in size to break out, but as he tried, I used psi ability to disrupt his mind. I couldn't control anyone like dark templars, but I could disrupt their thoughts.

As I've done so, all the unconnected parts began acting chaotically, growing in all directions and forcing all living monsters to run out. This growing pile of flesh grew at speeds that I alone couldn't destroy it with only one energy, or plasmathrower. So, as cameras were being enclosed in flesh from overgrown hive, I activated my psi energy and began using the thing that would work best on wide areas. Psi storm. Accidentally, while it was melting everything around me, I melted couple of cameras and a ceiling, making parts of it break.

Thankfully, warping process was stopped and I took crystal back into my storage. From that moment, I began carefully feeling everything not to destroy the ceiling and walls that were necessary for this place to stay strong.

As I melted and burned this thing, it was growing faster and faster, forcing me to order massive attack.

After. while, as my forces stopped the growth of this thing, I began forcing my way out, carrying locked source with me.

This person was knocked out, so nothing happened on the inside, unlike the outside shield part.

Flying through the corridors and destroying everything in my way, I finally reached the exit.

Looking back, I saw how path closed right behind me.

This thing grew at insane speed and took energy from nowhere. I don't know how it can spread so much with this speed, but I hope that AI will find out. I might want to have that ability, or at least a way to kill this thing easily.

As I didn't have enough forces yet, after two weeks, and my increasing army pushing, this thing broke through the ground and not inside the city, but outside. It must've broke through the rocks and created new path out. After that, in two weeks, AI finally found that it is safe for me to consume this being.

Many tests was done on it and on virus.

Virus, unlike this mutated version, had no natural inclination to spread out at insane speed, it's natural behaviour was oriented on survival.

So, after a month from the capture of the host, I injected virus in my body. Right after third course of durability increase.

This injection made my whole body itch. But nothing else happened for now.

As for the host, he no longer was sane. I accidentally broke his mind, so he was now in a vegetable state, making it easier for AI to hold him inside the lab as he didn't try to fight.

Parasite that was found inside the body was inactive after my interaction with host's mind.

After doing some tests, this parasite was taken out from the host. After that, host's body began changing slowly back to the human's form. Host was in a coma, healing his brain damage, but he had permanent changes in his body.

He was no longer just he. He was he and she. Looking through the host, it seems he, or it, was not just one human. It was siblings that were infected and combined by the parasite. I don't know how it worked, and how they managed to survive, but now I had first hermofrodite in my possession.

And let's be honest, I already feel sorry for him(her)(it).

And changes were not only on the outside. He was biologically fully capable of impregnating and being impregnated. Obviously, he couldn't do it to himself.

It didn't work like that.

As he was no longer growing flesh from itself, I let it be in a less protected room, using his previous room for a parasite.

What I found is that he was previously not free, he had a chocker with shocker and explosives on it. And looking at the information that I got, these siblings were missing for four years. They were genius in chemistry and biology, at least from what I understood.

Their disappearance made a mess in certain circles of people, but after a while they were forgotten.

After another week, as speed at which my army grew, I was digesting the virus that tried to make me lose control and become mindless monster led by instincts.

It was expected, but as I fought it passively, I was feeling like I had a fever. Not extremely comfortable situation, so I was just spending my time eating chocolate and drinking some Pepsi Light. Just like many other candies and drinks. I drank around hundred liters of different sugary drinks to keep myself energetic.

This virus, expectedly was strong.

On the outside, while I was having 'fun' my forces were pushing through the tunnels and destroying the hive that grew and tunneled in every direction.

I didn't have enough resources to just destroy it and keep humans alive.

AI was creating teams that were sent through newly dug entrances and were installing explosives everywhere. Afterwards, these tunnels were being closed by electric net.

Yes, this hive was getting damaged by electricity, so one of the ways to limit it's growth was sending insane current in to the earth.

Yes, it was dangerous for people who were close, but it had to be done. AI tried couple of poisons on it, but every time it just threw infected parts our, making it not extremely efficient, but allowing to stop progression in certain places.

Currently, as AI was analyzing newly acquired parts of the flesh monster, It found out that it is constantly changing itself. Yes, previously used poisons might not be able to affect it soon.

After another week, I finally defeated and consumed the virus, giving me the ability to physically grow parts that were not as dense as my main body, but denser than the original virus could from simple human.

It was not the only difference. My regeneration capabilities grew. I could grow out anything that was cut from me, just like hands that I lost, but as I already evolved without them, I didn't do that.

Good news is that every part that I grow out will get denser and stronger with time, meaning the longer it exists, the better it will become. It even worked on my original body, allowing me to constantly get stronger just by existing.

Yes. Already getting strange feeling from everything going too good to be true.

Especially with virus. You know, zerg genes might be awesome, but they shouldn't be this good. Now I am getting worried about what I am.

I am literally able to change in any form. I can become bigger, regenerate parts at insane speed, have unusually big strength, have psi energy, force, and even magic.

I don't even want to know what I am anymore.

No. I want to know. I am scared to find out, but I want to know.

From this point on, I didn't care about outside world. I gave few directions for AI, and was deciding some things when asked, but nothing more.

I began learning biology, chemistry, physics, and everything else that can help me to understand myself.

I was scared to accept that I am not a human. I know that I am not a human, but still, for some reason, I think of myself as human. Even after everything I've been through.

I was not.

After half a year, I finished with basic biology and chemistry knowledge. My brain was easily consuming knowledge, allowing me to rapidly read and understand it. Physics were learned by me before, so in the next half a year I began getting deeper in theoretical knowledge.

I didn't do any experiments. I didn't have need to. I needed knowledge, and only after that I could begin practical part.

After another year, I began reading and learning about human body in deeper way, on molecular scale.

As the result, after five years from start, I learned and memorized enough to allow myself think about anything else and begin looking at practical parts.

Obviously I didn't just learn and understand human biology, but I even read through protoss and zerg one, with some additions from SW races.

Basic principles were the same, and following AI's directions for learning I was thinking that I could begin trying to understand what I am.

Yes. For five years I was consumed by dread of not knowing who I became. I tried to stop myself, but every time it returned with backup, forcing me to fall deeper in to the books and videos.

In these five years I found out that flesh hive that I fought before was not compatible with me. It was dying before my body could consume anything useful from it.

After first year, this hive spread underground so deep, that nothing could get it out anymore. My forces, just like every country created United force, basically under my control, to prevent this thing from spreading in unexpected places.

After three years First progress with underground search appeared. A way to find big biological chunks was found. From this day forward, many things began changing.

After four years this flesh monster no longer spawned monsters, it was breaking through the ground and releasing spores in the air. These spores were infecting 99% of people touched by it. Thankfully, these spores didn't live for long in the air, so people were still holding themselves. But after first few cities destroyed this way because armies couldn't in time stop the monster from breaking through, the law to wear costumes that protected whole bodies was made. Also, everyone had to either wear a mask with a filter on their head or in the bag, in case breakthrough is announced.

Yes, this was forced by most of the world that cared about people. Some countries, like Russia, didn't even announce that epidemic might happen, but still forced everyone to wear these things, even if barely anyone properly wore these costumes.

By the end of fifth year, when I finished my learning stage and was ready for practice, the whole world was literally under my control, even though it was not publicly known. My robots were everywhere, trying to ease the situation and make life better for people whose life was destroyed by this monster.

In these five years around billion people died. 1/8 of total population on earth. And most of these deaths were in countries that declined costumes policy that was accepted in most of the rich countries.

Yes, it might not seem much with such a menace, or it could be seen as too much with my technology, but if I want to help humans survive without destroying their usual lives, I need to act conservative.

I couldn't allow myself to burn the planet, or shatter a third of the planet just to get rid of this monster hive. It would lead to inability for the planet to survive and support humans.

I might've been learning for these five years, but I still left AI to make human's lives better.

Nowadays liquid fuel was used in lesser quantities than before. 90% Of vehicles released nowadays was working on electricity.

Obviously these vehicles used crystal energy cells that were using some advanced technology that was only available to me.

Every school, university, research facilities that I got my hands on were releasing new knowledge in unprecedented rate.

Yes, I was releasing a lot of outdated knowledge that my AI collected before getting in my hands.

Theories, rules, laws that were introduced and explained were so advanced for humans of the past, that every month specialists had to learn a lot of new stuff.

Yes, this knowledge was public.

Obviously, AI was watching for terrorists and other criminals that tried using these things for some nefarious deeds. And obviously they were erased before even doing anything.

Yes, clearing was being done on the background. It had to be done.

In the next year I proceeded to work with animals and even humans. I replaced few organs for artificial ones, and even restored eyes of the blinded people and ears of deafened.

Obviously, after I got enough experience by working on multiple cases per day, I proceeded to the mote scientific part of practice. Molecular.

After another two years, I began looking and researching my blood. It was absolutely different from anything I ever saw previously.

It was consuming or destroying any other decomposable thing that I placed inside. My body's cellular structure was extremely dense and unfamiliar to me, working in a way that shouldn't be possible to my knowledge.

After another two years and inability to understand most of the stuff that my body was made out of, I finally began accepting that I am not a human.

I was something much more. Much more advanced. Comparing human to me was like comparing difficulty of creating a simples wheel to complexity of creating warp spire.

Yes, my inner structure was extremely complicated, and anything that could be done to me could be found only by testing.

In last five years Another two billion people died, leaving only four billion people alive.

It might look like bad news, but in the last month my forces finally forced flesh hive with it's infectious spores to only one place. Yes, it was forced deep underground, to the highest mountain above water level in the world, Everest.

It was currently being locked there using electricity and was being prepared for last public burning.

As for civilian life, I managed to establish one global council of countries that was literally watching rules being followed. They had access to my army as this council obviously was monitored by AI

AI didn't make decisions for people, it only forced laws to be adequate and that they were followed.

There were no small countries anywhere, they were destroyed before the rest of them joined bigger ones.

Obviously, they had their own place in the world, but not as a country.

Birth control was established, not to allow too rapid growth in population or too fast decline of it.

Huge cities were being spread out to smaller places when faster and simpler transport became available.

In future plans I had establishment of one united country, but it was too gar ahead. I only managed to push through acceptable unified language for every country to learn in addition to their basic one.

I was trying to make partial ' Utopia ' On earth, as I had strength to do it.

Yes, I really wanted to try and live in a normal and peaceful world for as long as I could.

Leaving my research institute, I turned on the heater and waited until titanium alloy bath melted at around 2500 Kelvin

After that I walked in it and began enjoying the heat. Yes, it was pretty hot for me, but not close to highest temperature I could survive in.

It was comfortably hot for me, So I enjoyed my time and relaxed while thinking about future.

I wanted to know if there are aliens in THIS world.

I was much stronger than ten years before, but speed at which my powers grow slowed down. My body reached the point at which I could walk or swim or fall on sun's surface without dying. Obviously I would get burned by being there, but my regeneration was fast enough to heal me.

I was not immortal thought, nuclear or hydrogen bomb will kill me if it hits me directly, as heat in the center itself is absolutely enormous. Thankfully It's temperature was lower when not directly in center of explosion.

Yes, I was not stupid to believe that I can protect myself from it. As for the shields, they are energy based and they are extremely good at protecting against energy weapons, just like the explosion of nuclear rocket.

If asteroid would hit the shield, it would deal more damage, but still shield was one of the most advanced things in protoss technology. It was getting better and better with time, as nothing better was found for protection.

My current personal shield was fueled by Khaydarin crystal shard. It made me literally impossible to kill with any energy weapon. Obviously, I use it on automatic settings, making it turn on when needed.

Leaving the bath, I washed myself and wore some clothes. Looking in the mirror I saw a Humanoid looking face, resembling a human, hands and legs that had an additional joint. They in their usual position resemble human's, but in reality they were far from it.

Shaving hair was unnecessary, I just didn't grow them when I didn't need them.

My hair were short on the sides, with a long hair on top and the back, creating a tail that reached my belly button.

Obviously, I didn't even need to wash my hair as they didn't have anything bad on them after my bath.

Everything unnecessary got burnt.

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt I left the house and warped to the Maldives.

There I went around the beach, looking at girls out there. Not finding anyone free or good enough for my mood I went to the specialized place where I could find some girls to have fun.

Obviously I chose respectable and good place, where I could find anything I want.

After couple of days of continuous fun, I left the place and couple of experienced girls in the room.

I obviously received incredible amount of pleasure, they were real professionals and knew how to satisfy people.

You might ask - Why didn't I forbid such a thing?

I don't know why people think that this work is bad or dirty. From the start of civilization this work existed, but now it was legal and only willing people were there.

You know, there are a lot of people who enjoys this work and receive plentiful payment for it.

Obviously law with such a thing was strict and AI established many additional servers with it's small copies that were keeping everything in check.

Yes. Humans can't keep humans from breaking laws for a long time. Especially for generations.

So, now, computer would watch for laws to be followed.

Obviously people with tendencies for crime were given some way to release their desires, even if it was not absolutely real.

Yes, virtual reality. kinda. Not really advanced enough to simulate everything yet, but AI is working on it after it released enough technology for humans to survive and thrive.

After satisfying myself for a long time, I went for a walk. Walking through the busy street I heard that last remnants of flesh monster were destroyed and people were getting ready for celebration.

Some people were watching news that were reporting that no signs of this monster are found. Currently, all news were about this. People were elated. Last ten years were hardest and brought the best progress to the world, even though almost everyone lost friends or relatives in these years.

Some news were even talking about how this menace brought people together and that it is ironic that only bigger danger can connect people.

Currently, only higher echelons of government knew about reasons for this sudden alliance and technology boom.

But they couldn't really do anything about it. They tried and failed.

Walking for couple more minutes, I walked to the virtual cinema. Getting inside, I bought a ticket and watched a fantasy anime that was about One Piece. In this world this series just started, but with new technology it became not just manga and anime, but the whole world is being made for it, where all the activities would happen. First movie was enjoyable, especially the way how they made animation for Luffy stretching body.

Obviously I was not expecting this to be that way, but introduction to some technology allowed creators to get more freedom.

As for the space, first colony was sent on the moon. Obviously it was not done and was just getting constructed.

After leaving the cinema, the only public place with accessible virtual reality without sense of touch or smell, I went to the Park and sat on the bench, enjoying the wind. This park was on top of Everest, on which I just warped.

This was park made for me. Here I could enjoy the wind and not care about anything.

I miss normal life. Life where I don't need to do anything and could just simply enjoy playing games and reading stuff.

But now, I need to be stronger. I can't stop thinking that I am being hunted by beings that I can't even imagine.

Next few hours I spent thinking about my life and sighing while remembering that I can't live slowly.

Getting up, I flew up in to the sky, leaving the atmosphere behind me. As I was leaving, I saw one of my satellites passing by in front of me and almost getting destroyed by my body. Lucky satellite.

As I left atmosphere, I began adapting to the space. Lungs closed, unnecessary air left the system. Now, I was not feeling discomfort from being in here. I tried ten years earlier, but today was the first time when I felt no discomfort.

Not willing to leave the gravitational pull of earth, I went back and decided to enter the room made specifically for my training.

This time it would be heat training. Entering the room, I took off my shield and placed it inside the storage and disabled passive psi effect on me. Now I was standing on the floor with my body weighting around 1337 kg.

My weight didn't change much in last few years.

Getting ready, I activated training room.

In there, for next few months I was undergoing heavy destruction. I didn't feel pain. I turned it off. But seeing how flesh was burning from my body and regenerated was not food for my psychological condition, so I was spending not more than ten hours mostly sleeping in that room.

I didn't spend my active time in it, I slept there.

The rest of the time, except visiting psychologist who now believes in aliens, I was experimenting with my powers. I tried separating part of me to create zerg hive again, but it didn't work. I tried combining magic and psi energy for many months, but it also didn't work. I might've read too much novels and manga to think that anything can be done and mixed.

My magic reached a level where I didn't need to say the spell and could just wave wand for most of spells known to me. Also, I tried Searching for a thing that cracked inside me when I killed someone, but I couldn't. I just knew that I shouldn't use magic to kill. I just felt it.

Oh, yes. Time turners. Nope. not using them. I barely fought myself from trying to turn it more than allowed. I really read too much and became arrogant. I hid them from my sight. Deep into the storage in multiple boxes, so i couldn't see them while looking in.

Force doesn't grow much, but now I am much more sensitive to it, I can feel many things. Especially living things around me. In few meters around me, nothing escapes me. But in a bigger radius, I can only feel intentions that are targeted at me. Force doesn't predict future, it makes me feel intentions and actions of others. Obviously, I finally lifted myself using force. and easily at that. I could lift bigger rocks much earlier, but to lift something so dense, I managed to do it only in the last few years.

Psi energy, unlike anything else, didn't grow stronger without my body. They were connected. Body grew stronger, it grew stronger. It grew stronger, body grew stronger. Nowadays I am thinking how the heck I can hold so much energy in my body. Where the heck is it stored? I can feel it, but can't find it by any means.

You know, I don't even understand how it appears. Force, psi energy, magic. Energies that can't be really seen, only felt.

What generates them? Midichlorians are just letting me use it. but where does it come from?

At first, I thought of it and tried asking AI for full scan, but bit didn't help. I can't find sources of these powers in me with my current knowledge and ability.

So, next few years I spent on learning, training, travelling to the moon, and even deep under the sea, to the Mariana trench. I didn't hurry too much at that, I tried balancing myself, but after ten more years, making me be in this world for twenty years, I forgot the drive for getting better. I could easily survive insane temperatures, could lift tanks with my physical body, and even some airplanes.

I was strong, but for three years my progress was minimal. Too small and slow, so I just stopped caring. I didn't plan to have a family. I didn't feel need to, but I had few relationships here and there. But everything have an end. Even good life.

Especially when you stop appreciating it.

One day, when I was walking from my hovercar to my home, I saw crack in the sky. I didn't even think much about it, before a certain crystal flew through the cracks, smashing right through my stomach.




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Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

I decided to shorten the note. Also, I think I will be mixing game worlds, anime, movies, series, books and any other worlds.

Resident evil world was just an intermission between adventures.

At first I wanted to write more, but for mc that was literally stronger than anyone else, it will not work easily.

I decided that I will introduce certain motivation for mc earlier than expected, await the next chapter.

This one was made long and created in a few days. Partially because I was tired and lazy ass.

Another thing that I wanted to talk about is that I will not really be adding more powers, at least I hope so. He had enough time to get stronger and reached his limits, but to get stronger, training and peace are not enough. It have limits. Especially in my story.