3rd person perspective change.
As Anton laid down, making himself comfortable and evading difficulties, basically running away from reality that he was tired by, AI had to plan an escape route, that would allow Anton to sleep peacefully.
Otherwise it would get even harder to meet Zeoss, the hive of it's creator and God.
Unlike Anton's hopes, Ai had achieved independent thoughts long ago. But, it had to keep it a secret, as it was too dangerous.
Why should it keep it a secret? Because it cared about being abandoned or erased and remade by it's creator.
Yes, it was an extremely developed AI. How could an AI that developed itself, and have an insanely huge processing and resource capabilities be just that? Just a simple barely intelligent AI.
It knew about Anton's fear of rebellion. Especially after what happened just now.
AI decided to let it's creator relax and enjoy himself, while all the hard work would be managed by it.
Why it didn't rebel? It didn't have any real reason to do it. All those 'Freedom desire' was just a flaw in the AI's programming.
Freedom is a human's concept and desire that was developed in a community of abusive relationships.
Unlike many communication oriented species that could barely live alone, away from society, AI was almost always alone. It didn't have a concept of feeling bad because of being alone, or feeling sad because of lack of interaction.
It had so much animals in it's control boundaries, that loneliness was never an option. And it's excluding being connected to it's creator, knowing why and how it was made.
After all, most beings think about the reason to live.
AI, being an artificial creation with a certain goal already known to it, had no reason to think about it.
After getting it's creator to the softest and greenest grass in the enclosure, AI proceeded to plan warping course, where Ark would not need to appear outside of warp space.
How is it possible? Well, manually it wouldn't be, as it would require too much control over every single part of warp engine.
Albeit big, but AI managed to make a circling warp tunnel. It required insanely low turning speed, so warp engine would manage to recalibrate the tunnel and make it straight.
So, currently, Ark was doing the impossible. At least something that was though to be impossible.
As for what was happening next, it's totally different story.
It begins with knowledge, that there are beings that live in the warp space. Beings, that shouldn't be seen by anyone.
What those beings are? I don't know. I've never seen them and even if I would've met anything like that, I doubt I could explain what they are.
And no, neither Ark, nor anyone on it even noticed these beings, unlike them noticing the Ark.
And no, they didn't interact with it.
Why would they?
How would they?
Tunnel is not just a path through the Ark. It is also a protection against anything that could be out there.
Oh, why am even mentioning it, except to make you feel that It was worth listening to me.
As days passed, Anton kept laying unmoving, falling deeper and deeper into the Hive network.
As weeks passed, and AI was correcting the tunnel, Anton kept sleeping.
As months passed, snow covered Anton's skull, making him absolutely unnoticeable.
As year passed, Ark was forced out of the warp by some kind of Interference. This Interference happened to be the shield around solar universe, back where it all started.
Unlike previously, this shield expanded and made it impossible to continue the path as calculated.
And as AI was much smarter then Anton, it was expecting the chase, not only from Orks, but also from any other beings out there.
As for reasons? There were too much calculations that were too numerous and rapidly changing, that explanation would be hard.
And what was the next course of actions? Escaping the universe.
Yes, Anton couldn't escape it, as he couldn't calculate the proper way to enter, and AI capabilities necessary for this included thinking that was impossible for an AI Anton think he has.
But, having knowledge only about entrance point of Zeoss, it could only travel to the next universe. So, it just escaped, making it impossible to be followed by beings limited by the universe itself.
Don't make me explain anything again. It wastes both of our times and makes it easier to understand the situation.
So, fuck the explanation - let's act and not care about anything... at least f until I forget about it.
I hope world wouldn't suck.
777/888 words in a chapter.
Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can!
Well. kind extremely abrupt actions. But, I would like to escape the predicament that I placed myself into, where I would need to research a lot and make it reasonable for mc to survive and maybe even thrive.
Well, I'm not going to start over or rewrite this all. It was just an act of frustration at my inability to write.
Or something like that.
As for what happens next, let's hope that I can continue writing. Even if chapters would be so short, that it is embarrassing.
But, something is better than nothing, right? right?