
I might be extremely obvious, but who the hell even tried to imagine that I could be safe in the proximity of the trio?

Me. Myself. And I.

It doesn't make sense and makes a lot of sense at the same time. I won't elaborate too much, but it is practically impossible for me to be calm when I get too far from Harry.

I don't know a reason. It doesn't even make sense. Being near him is the most dangerous place, but being far from him is even more dangerous. There is nothing that can save you out there.

At least, when Potter is around, he will save you. Or me.

At least from drowning in the lake...

It's not like I can't swim, I can. At least I could.

But currently I was laying on the shore, listening to the oh-so important lecture about safety. Ant it is right after sinking head first into the lake.

I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes my body doesn't follow my wishes and gets rusty.

If I don't move for some time, it gets hard for me to even move a muscle.

And choosing to relax on the lake's edge was not wise. Thankfully I was saved by Harry, who saw my fall through the window, while walking to the dining room.

Ok. It's enough. I need to stop thinking and Begin doing something.

I got sucked into my thoughts once again.

Obviously, I thanked my savior, Mr Potter...

But I didn't try to bother him after, like many would.

Barely sitting up, I began massaging my muscles, they needed it. As madam healer arrived and checked my condition, she shooshed everyone away, while taking me to the same bed that I laid down not long ago.

Turns out, my muscles grew wrongly and were constricting themselves. Madame Pompfrey re-checked me multiple times, and my case needed constant checks and reconstruction of my body.

And that is strange, considering everything was fine before I arrived at school.

Well, who knows what happened. Might be because there were not enough muscles in my body. I don't even know much about the body itself.

Well. Let's stop thinking and start doing something.

Walking out of the infirmary, I went back to the dorm, took books and went to the next class. Yes, school is nothing but a place where you have to learn. You don't really have a choice.

The only thing that changed is that I won't keep still for a long time anymore. I will try and see if my muscles would grow normally if I use them always.

What allowes me to do it is my excessive stamina.

On the first day, I began stretching after every class and ran around castle in the night.

And no, I didn't get caught. Filch, like most students didn't pay attention to me. At least when he was not with his cat. This annoying and loud cat was frequently annoying me that night.

On the second day, I decided to do something else, as running from a cat was annoying and made me think while running, ruining any desire to run again.

No matter what, I needed to move.

So, I tried remembering how to do some weight training and spent time doing push-ups, lifting stones and some other stuff.

And it was not really a comfortable experience, so after first week I decided to do something different. And as the most important thing was to find a place unacceptable to cats.

After another week of struggle and excessive exercise, my choice to keep my body busy and moving proved to be right. Even madame Pompfrey agreed that whatever I was doing worked. I obviously didn't tell her the real amount of exercise I was doing.

As for why I did it so much? 3-4 hours of sleeping was enough for my body to get a little stiff. Forcing me to be active. Even while learning.

On the fourth week of my exercises I began my first attempts at climbing.

Thankfully, area around Hogwarts had some boulders, hills and even pretty tall straight walls of the castle.

Yes, after first few days, with the strength I had, I was comfortable to try and climb on the walls of Hogwarts. The only thing is that I had to be barefoot, so every time I tried to climb, I had to remove my shoes.

And yes, Headmaster saw what I was doing, he knew about my condition and even checked on me from time to time, he was not that bad of a person to me.

At least, until he told madame Pompfrey about how much I exercised and ruined my freedom from infirmary.

After 6 weeks since my exercises began, I was able to clumbe some rough walls of Hogwarts, the ones on the back with some wider seams between bricks and some little pieces missing.

It was hard for me to properly control my fingers and not to push myself off from the wall. As a matter of fact, I had no trouble climbing when I could use more then tips of my fingers to climb.

As for my studies, I was pretty average. I was half-lazy and didn't do my best, especially when I had to write with those brittle feathers. And I too had two subjects that I tried to do what was required to my full capacity.

Charms and DADA ( Defense Against Dark Arts )

As for why? Charms were interesting and defense was absolutely necessary. Especially with current professor, who even to first years was crazy and unreasonable.

The funny thing, on one of the classes we were practicing "knockback Jinx" and my opponent hit me with it and I was barely even affected. It might be inexperience of a student or that I'm really heavy. I don't know. I don't look fat. Thankfully. And not that funny.

As time passed, winter was approaching, snow and ice were making it difficult to climb the walls, but I didn't really care. It was the best exercise for me. It required control, strength, agility and required my full attention. Allowing me to ignore always present Headmaster's sight. At least in my opinion.

As October was approaching it's end, the time has finally arrived.

As I was hanging with one hand on the window frame of the third floor's window and eating a chicken leg with other, very loud and big carriage flew through the sky, making all the students and teachers pour out of the castle to meet the arriving guests.

As I finished eating, I sat on the window frame, opened the window itself and climbed in. My ability to keep still while exerting strength worked perfectly. I was able to keep my body tense and immovable for the most part. It was not easy to hang onto the frame for such a long time.

As new guests arrived from the lake, I watched as overly strict Russian students were making grand entrance.

Getting back to the dorm, I showered, left dirty clothes for elves to wash and went straight to the dining room.

I really wanted to see their cringe and grand entrance of visiting schools. As for how fast I had to be, I ran pretty fast to be on time.

And I didn't run into anyone this time! Only one wall suffered from my head, right after I rapidly ran onto the stairs and slipped on some kind of goo. Yes, my head is much more durable then stone. At least the skull. As for the skin, it just reddened for a bit, unlike the small surface crack on the wall. It will obviously be repaired.

As for why I didn't care about being hurt in the first place? It is just an experience from falling off the wall and not getting hurt.

Almost every fall was the result of my slow reaction speed or bad control over strength.

Ok enough of my thoughts.

Let's enjoy the show!


Whoops. I've spent too long in my thoughts and missed the best part of the show. I mean. The whole entrance ceremony.

As everyone began eating, I once again began devouring food like hungry animal. I couldn't wait for the Halloween feast. I would eat so much freaking pumpkin, that I would feel disgusted by it for the rest of the year.

What I've learned, is that the more I eat - the faster my body grows. And at the current moment I don't look like 11 years old and skinny kid. I had so called " growth spurt " in other's eyes, and grew at least 20 centimeters in the last month.

Now I look more like 14-15 y/o boy with excessively and unnaturally pronounced muscles. So, eating more brings me closer to my desired height.

Yes, my body didn't hold much fat. And it forced me to take care of my skin, otherwise it would not stretch fast enough and reap, scar and break. Skin needs collagen, fat and other stuff that I my brain didn't remember as it was not listening to madame Pompfrey.

Yes, not me, it was certainly my brain.

Wild and unnecessary thoughts aside, the whole dining hall was loud and filled with young kids in heat. Especially ones seating besides new girls.

As end was getting to the end, Russians went and ran for some time in the field, they seemed to care about their physical fitness much more then anyone in this castle.

I didn't care about my physical form. I cared about being unable to move or getting my skin torn away from my flesh.

Waking up the next morning, after 2 hours of sleep, that I had to include in my schedule, I washed my eyeballs and didn't want to believe what I saw in the mirror. A chubby, even fat man with balding head.

It brought me back to the memories of the long-gone past. My first life on Earth. A simple man, lackluster, useless, lazy, fat, unemployed and barely staying away from life-threatening actions.

This was both scary and sad memories.

I had a family, but was useless. Now I didn't have a family, but was far from useless.

After fully waking up, I showered and washed away the thing that made me look like my old self. It was, once again, a prank.

I don't know how they targeted me, but almost third of the griffindor looked old and ugly.

Walking out of the dormitory, I went straight to the hall where I walked straight to the goblet.

Enchantment to stop young people didn't stop me, so I just walked by it and sat to watch people attempt to throw their names in it.

I wanted to do something crazy, like lifting the goblet and hitting moody with it, trashing the fake one to stop the progression of the story, or to throw everyone's names in it, or maybe throwing it out of the window. I even though about smashing it against the floor with all I had, but ultimately I was not that brave or strong to risk my life and future for this.

No matter what, knowing future, even partially, is better then not knowing and making things worse.

And truth be told, I'm kinda scared of the future. I am thinking about running away, far away to hide from the war that would begin in near future.

I might not feel dread anymore, but I still feel tense while someone is nearby. This kind of discomfort doesn't just come out of nowhere.

It must have a reason. But what is it?

As I was thinking that, I just went outside, visiting dining hall on the way out, took off my shoes and began climbing the castle wall. The one with the spire. Tallest and hardest place for me.

At least it made me think less.

Thinking so much is bad.

It is harmful.

It is sad.


~2000/ 2046 words in a chapter.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can!

Once again, 5 months after the last chapter. I'm sorry ect...

I just don't know if I would be alive after another five months, let's all hope for the best.