Chapter 29: Trapped By Their Parents


Basement Parking Lot.

Just as she was about to open the front door of her car, Soo Min's phone rang. Taking it out of her handbag, she answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.


"PARK SOO MIN! How dare you not tell me about your engagement?!" Her friend, Olivia bellowed from the other end of the line.

Due to the loudness and suddenness of her voice was, Soo Min flinched in her spot.

It took a second, but when the words finally registered in her mind, her eyes widened in shock and she shouted, "WHAT?!"

Soo Min was speechless and totally caught off guard.

How did her friend get to know about this engagement, when she never once brought up and the only people who knew other than her were her dad, Mother Song, and Ryan.

"What are you yelling at me for?! When I should be the one doing that. Soo Min, I cannot believe that you hid such an important matter from me. I mean is that what I get from a sixteen year old friendship?" Olivia questioned from the other side.

"Wait what—no how did you learn about all this?" Soo Min candidly asked.

"How did I—wow does that really matter right now? Fine then, since you really want to know. Not only me but the entire world knows! The news about your engagement is all over the internet."

Soo Min's ears enlarged hearing that and immediately pulled her phone away from her ear before typing on it to look up the news of her engagement.

'What the—' Soo Min gasped, mouth agape when she read the contents of the article. Literally, all the information was present there for anyone to read. What was even left for them not to mention?

She instantly scrolled down to the end of the page, where she saw name of the person who leaked this information to the news.

It was none other than Su Chang, her dad's secretary.

Soo Min balled her hand into a fist, fuming with anger. Her dad went behind her back and released the news of her engagement without her knowledge.

"I think you still owe me an explanation missy! Hello? Soo Min? Hello? Are you even listening?" Olivia asked.

When Olivia was on her lunch break, she was just casually scrolling through her social media when her phone was bombarded with notifications related to this breaking news, after all we're talking about the most influential families in the country.

Not many people knew about Soo Min's family, expect for those close to Soo Min. So all of Olivia's friends were texting her like crazy when they found out she was friends with the daughter of such a powerful businessman.

But when she read the news this morning, she nearly choked on her food. At first she was shocked to learn about her friend's engagement, but that soon turned to anger and disappointment when she realized that her friend did not even inform her beforehand.

Did Soo Min not think of her as worthy enough to tell her about this? So many doubts arose in her heart about their years of friendship.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she hurriedly spoke, "Olivia. I know things are quite confusing right now, and honestly I cannot explain everything over the phone, but please just trust me this once. Meet me at our favorite place!" With that said, Soo Min hung up and quickly got into her car before driving away.


Meanwhile At The CEO's Office.

"What the hell is this?" Ryan slammed his hand on the office desk so hard that it slightly shook during impact. But it could not be helped as the news he had received was so horrifying. His cold voice revertebrated in the entire company.

Assistant Yoon instantly shivered in fear.