Chapter 45: Suspicious Man


The HR's office.

After a couple minutes, Amanda returned with a young man trailing behind her.

He had dark brown hair and was dressed neatly in a formal attire.

"Dr. Park. This is your new intern. Hwang Chang Min." Amanda introduced.

"It's nice to meet you, Sunbae uh—um is it alright for me to call you Sunbae?" The new intern asked.

Soo Min could sense the slight hesitation in his voice and nodded with a smile, before she responded. "It's nice to meet you too, Intern Hwang Chang Min. Let's work hard."

Hwang Chang Min was delighted upon hearing that and accepted her hand, that she had extended towards him, politely.

"Alright then. He's all yours." Amanda stated before she went back to her desk to continue working.

Soo Min nodded and said, "Let's get to work! Intern Hwang Chang Min." Before walking towards the door, but was then stopped by the receptionist.

"Wait a second. Dr. Park! What shall we do with all these gifts?" Receptionist Ara asked.

"Oh right. Um... okay so distribute the chocolates to all the kids in the pediatric department and ask someone to arrange these bouquets in every patient's room." Soo Min instructed.

"Perfect. I'll ask someone to that right now. You can hand the rest of them to me." Receptionist Ara said extending her right hand.

"Are you sure you can carry all this?" Soo Min asked but when the receptionist vigorously nodded her head, she gave the stack of gifts and flowers to her.

"Okay then. We'll leave first." Soo Min said as she and her new intern left the HRs office.


The Front Desk.

After distributing all the chocolates to the pediatric department and calling someone to arrange all those flowers in each patient's room, Receptionist Ara fell back into her chair, exhausted.

Massaging her aching shoulders, she casually glanced at the automatic glass doors at the hospital entrance open and saw a man dressed in all black walk in.

She couldn't make out the man's face due to his black cap covering it. Her eyes trailed him as he made his way down one of the hallways.

Finding his behavior to be odd, she quickly stood up and decided to follow him, discreetly.

As he went down various hallways, Receptionist Ara's suspicions started to raise, but when he suddenly stopped and looked around his surroundings to check if anyone was there, she immediately hid behind the wall.

Her heartbeat quickened and adrenaline coursed through her body. She decided to wait it out a few minutes before she turned to look back and noticed that no one was there.

Quickly, she stepped out of hiding and started to walk down the hallway, increasing her pace.

"Where did he go?" Receptionist Ara furrowed her eyebrows.

Her eyes soon landed on the CCTV room down the hallway, thinking that it would be her best bet. She immediately rushed over there.


After giving the new intern a rundown of some basics and giving him a briefing on his assignment for tomorrow, Soo Min sent someone to show him around the hospital so he could get familiar with all the various places and ended their mentor-mentee session for the early for today.

Walking down the hallway that led to the lobby area, she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw the empty front desk.

Turning to one of the nurses passing by, she asked, "Hey, have you seen Receptionist Ara?"

"No. It's been quite some time since I saw her. Is there anything you need help with, Dr. Park?" The nurse asked.

Soo Min shook her head and said, "Oh okay then. No it's alright. Sorry about that."

The nurse smiled and left to do her work.

'I wanted to ask her if she needed my help to hand out all those chocolates that came with the gifts.' Soo Min mused before she continued to look for the receptionist.


CCTV Room.

Ara peeked through the rectangular glass window of the door, but all she could see was darkness except for the bright screens displaying footages showcasing various places of the hospital.

She slowly opened the door, and she stepped into the room, but furrowed her eyebrows when she saw no one in the room.

'I could've sworn I saw him walking into this room.' Ara mused.


Just as she was about to turn around to leave, a heavy object hit the back of her head, causing her immense pain, before she succumbed to it and fell to the ground, unconscious.