Chapter 48: Please Be Safe


A few minutes ago.

CEO's office.

"Boss." Assistant Yoon shouted, looking nervous and out of breath. He barged into Ryan's office and abruptly opened the door causing it to slam roughly against the wall.

Ryan frowned at the sudden intrusion, but seeing Assistant Yoon's flustered face, he knew something was wrong.

For some odd reason, his heart felt easy as if something bad had happened, but with his assistant's actions, his uneasiness just grew bigger.

"Boss, that—uh—well the thing is.." Ryan's brows furrowed deeper, hearing Assistant Yoon's incoherent words.

"Speak calmly, Yoon." Ryan advised his assistant, who was sweating profusely.

"Boss! Young Miss, she—the hospital's been hijacked! And the Young Miss has been taken host—"

Before Assistant Yoon could even complete his sentence, Ryan had already jumped to his feet and hurriedly strode out of his office.

'Please be safe, Soo Min.' Ryan silently prayed.

"Boss! Wait for me, I'm coming too." Assistant Yoon immediately followed his boss, who was practically running at this point. Never had he seen his boss so frightened and scared, it was almost as if his very own life was on the line!



Soo Min furrowed her eyebrows, when she didn't feel any blood nor pain. But she had clearly heard the sound of a gun shot.

She quickly opened her eyes and realized that the gunshot was not from inside the the hospital, but from outside.

Slightly peaking her head from behind Hyeon Dae Hyun and his two lackeys, Soo Min saw a team of police officers standing along with the media.

"Attention, perpetrators! Surrender yourselves now, or else we will have to use force." One of the police members announced through a microphone.

"Boss! The police... what do we do now?" One of the lackeys asked.

Hyeon Dae Hyun cursed under his breath, before he instructed, "What do you think idiots? Quick, let's go to the last floor of this hospital. We need to buy some time to negotiate on our own terms."

Turning towards, Soo Min he quickly yanked her up with his gun still on her temple. "And you are coming with me."

Soo Min frowned and tried to resist, because she knew if she went along with them, it would be over for her. "Let go!"

Tightening his grip around her, Hyeon Dae Hyun threatened, "Don't forget I still have a gun around your head, and I won't think twice to use it, so stay put!"

She winced under the pressure, and was reluctantly dragged along to the elevator, where the two lackeys were waiting for them.


Outside the Hospital.

Ryan immediately stepped out of the front door of the car, and rushed over to the police team, where Father Park was also standing.

Assistant Yoon stepped out from the other side of the car, his feet feeling a bit wobbly, after his young master's speedy driving.

He had completely forgotten about the fact that his young master was a prominent race car driver during his college years, but what could he do?

The icy cold man today was the total opposite of the carefree and playful one of the past.

Rushing over, Ryan asked, "What's the situation?"

Turning towards him, one of the officers spoke, "We are not too sure. The culprits have not given us an answer yet, and—"

"What do you mean they haven't answered yet?! What's the point of your police team, if you can't rescue the civilians nor apprehend the criminals?" Ryan yelled.

Before the officer could respond back, another one ran over to them and informed, "Chief! We've just got reports that one of the hospital staff has been taken hostage by the perpetrators! It's a female doctor from the reports we've got, it seems her last name is Park."

Upon hearing that, Father Park's feet went numb and he stumbled back a bit.

Ryan and Assistant Yoon quickly held on to Father Park to help support him, before Ryan said, "Mr. Park, please get a hold of yourself."

Turning towards his assistant, he continued, "Yoon. Take care of Soo Min's dad, I'll be right back."

Assistant Yoon nodded and then asked, "Alright, Boss! But where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Soo Min." Ryan said before rushing into the hospital.

"Mr. Song, you cannot do that! We must follow protocol. Come back! Mr. Song." The chief supervisor of the police team called out several times to Ryan, but to no avail, as the latter had already gone inside the hospital.