Chapter 70: Haunted Hotel


Sapphire Hotel.

Unbuckling her seatbelt, Soo Min said, "I know today was tough on you too, thank you."

Ryan unbuckled his seat belt and leaned closer to her, before their faces were only inches apart, but instead of what she had anticipated to happen, he simply opened the door handle and pushed it to open.

"Call me if anything happens." Ryan said with a smile, but more of an mocking one.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Soo Min said before closing the door and Ryan drove off.


Inside the hotel.

As Soo Min walked stepped out of the elevator and walked to where her room was, she was greeted by some cleaners, but in her mind she saw them look at her with a killing intent.

She slowly picked up the pace, when a room service was passing by and smiled at her in an eerie way, at least that was what she thought in her head.

Immediately Soo Min looked the other way, feeling scared. "W—Why are they all looking at me that way."

When she reached her room, she saw someone drilling into the lock of her room.

"E—Excuse me, this is my room. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh. They said that the lock wasn't working, so I was just fixing in it. You almost slept in an unlocked room." He informed with a smile, but to her it looked like a vicious one as he pressed on the driller.

Her eyes immediately landed on the wood sawer and another hammer scattered on to the floor, her breathing become unstable.

"T—This A… Ah.. Ahhhhh." She immediately dashed out of there, screaming.

The man watched her dumbfounded. "Miss, where are you going? It's done." He yelled.


Outside the hotel.

Soo Min ran to the entrance, screaming frantically. Her mind was not working at all, and every time she looked at someone, all she thought of them was as a killer.

"Are you done?" Ryan asked, leaning against his car with his arms folded.

Upon hearing his voice, Soo Min stopped and immediately turned to look at him.

Without wasting a second, she ran towards him and hugged him tightly, surprising him.

"I'm really scared. Really, really scared." Soo Min said holding back her tears, whilst her arms were wrapped tightly around his back.

When Ryan slowly placed his arms on either side of her waist, she continued, "And it's cold too."

"Since you insisted a lot, I'll stay the night at your house, but only because you asked me to." Soo Min mumbled, making Ryan chuckle.


Amberwood Residence.

"Would you like something to eat?" Ryan asked as they walked inside.

"No, I'm good." Soo Min absentmindedly spoke admiring the beauty of his home.

'Does anyone even stay here? It's so neat and well kept.' She mused.

"Are you done admiring our house?" Ryan whispered into her ear, almost startling her.

'When did he get so close.' Soo Min wondered before stepping back.

"I wasn't admiring it. I was just… looking around." She refuted.

"Well it doesn't matter. It's going to be your house in a couple days anyway. Why don't you take a quick tour, while I go and freshen up." Ryan suggested to which Soo Min agreed.