Chapter 76: Not A Queen, Just Soo Min



"Nicholas' mother died in a house fire, when he was two years old. Even since then, he hasn't said a word, so what happened today was quite shocking."

"I see. It must have been quite hard for you, I just met the little highness today, and when he spoke for the first time in two hours, I was overjoyed. I can only imagine how you felt." Soo Min smiled.

"Oh really? What else did he say?" Julian asked, intrigued.

"Well… he called me mommy." Soo Min said awkwardly.

"Really? Oh my goodness." Julian chuckled, making Ryan more annoyed.

Nicholas, who was the main topic for discussion, had been fast asleep in Soo Min's lap for the past half an hour.

"Doctor Park, if I may, I know this might be sudden but your the only person Nicholas has opened up to after the incident. I would like to ask you a favor." Julian started.

"Please, go ahead." Soo Min said.

"I would like you to come and live as Nicholas' mother. I want you to live with us in Eldora." Julian stated, surprising both Ryan and Soo Min.

Before Soo Min could even respond, Ryan said, "Impossible. My fiancée is not going anywhere and definitely not to another continent. I—"

Squeezing his hand, under the table, in a reassuring way, Soo Min interrupted, "I am honored that you think so highly of me, but I truly don't think what Nicholas needs is a replacement for a mother. What he needs is a father, who will spend time with him, and who can bond with him more. A child may need both parents, it's true, but sometimes just one strong bond can replace the feeling of incompleteness."

Ryan and Julian both looked at Soo Min, surprised.

"I too lost my mother at a young age, but my bond with my father helped me cope with the fact that not everything was lost, that we still had each other and today, Nicholas told me that he ran away because his father was not spending time with him."

Her voice had a hint of domineering power, that came from her degree and intelligence. "Right now, I'm not talking to you as the King of Eldora, I'm talking to you as a father of a child and a doctor of this hospital. If you just do as much as spending an hour a day with your son, I promise you. He will talk. Unfortunately, I cannot accept your offer to be his mother, because I believe that no one can take that place, but I am willing to be his godmother and take him on mini dates, as I love the little boy just as much as he loves me."

The King let out a chuckle, before he said, "I admire your guts, Doctor Park. I've met many people but no one has dared to reject or even yet advise me on anything. Too bad, you already have someone or I really might have given it my all to make you my queen. Mr. Song, you truly are one lucky man."

Soo Min returned his words with an awkward chuckle. 'I know he is a king, but isn't he too straightforward like don't you know the man right next to me is the king of jealousy, who is going to skin me alive once you leave!'


At the Parking Lot.

Soo Min and Ryan stood outside right in front of the car, where the royal highnesses were seated.

"Thank you for your help and advice. I'll do exactly as you said. I owe you one, Doctor Park. Let me know if you ever need anything, as long as it's within my power, I'll do everything I can to help." Julian said.

Soo Min smiled and nodded, "Will do."

She waved goodbye as the car departed.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. OH. MY. GOD." Soo Min freaked out, patting her heart vigorously. "Ahhh. I for sure thought I was gonna get killed for my boldness, today. Talking down to a king like that, I must be crazy."

Ryan secretly smiled seeing her cute flustered side.

"What if he had held me at gun point? For rejecting him? Ahh why is my life so chaotic? A real life prince and king?!" Soo continued, but was then interrupted.

"Then I would have protected you. I may not be a king, but I would do everything in my power to protect you and not let anyone take you away from me." Ryan said, slowly stepping closer.

"Did you know that Nicholas was a prince? You seemed to have recognized the king right away." Soo Min tried to change the subject, merely for the sake of her poor heart.

"No, the prince's identity has always remained a secret but the king is known to everyone, I was also invited to his coronation." Ryan informed.

"Wow, that is so cool. Being royalty and all, the power and such graceful manner. No wonder that kid was like no other." Soo Min mumbled.

"Why? Are you regretting your decision, now? Tell me, if you met him before you were engaged to me, would you have fallen for him?" Ryan asked, although his tone was cold and unfeeling, deep inside he was anxious to know.

"Nope. He's not my type. And royalty, I could never. Too many rules." Soo Min casually said folding her arms, not realizing the immense amount of happiness his words showered on him.

"Then… what about me? Am I your type?" Ryan asked, gazing softly at her.

Soo Min pursed her lips, while her eyes contained a glint of playfulness.

While she didn't reject him, she did not give him an affirmative response, but Ryan was content with the fact that she did not outright reject him.